
Sweetheart’s a silly girl.

But – sometimes, usually – she learns her lesson.

You’re fooling yourself if you think you have true anonymity. I respect your right to not reveal what you don’t want to, but the internet isn’t nearly as anonymous as it used to be. Just sayin. Be careful there are dicks in the world. Your blog is great btw.


Well, of course I don’t have true anonymity. I think I made that kind of clear in my response. I’m aware of stranger danger on the Internet.

But I think I have the authority not to share where I go to school. Sure, maybe people can piece shit together, but I’m pretty sure I don’t have to provide that information if asked.

It’s kind of cute that you answered behind the security of “Anonymous." 

What college do you got to sexy?



I am glad to be doing this blog. It helps me a lot with stress and shame. It’s allowed me to sort some stuff out and honestly become a better person. It’s the only journal I’ve ever been able to keep.

Part of what keeps this blog alive is the vague sense of anonymity that pervades it. I give a lot of my life away on here. I talk about my sex life, my academic life, and get as intimate as talking about fights I get into with partners and posting pictures of my erogenous zones.

I get this question *a lot*. Or requests to meet up. Or people asking me to add them on Facebook or Twitter or all manner of social media.

And, listen, if you want the sexy to keep happening, we’ve got to keep the real life out of this. Because the patriarchy is such that if I get revealed to be expressing my sexuality on the Internet, I’ll be enduring “consequences.”

So, let’s leave some stuff to mystery. I reveal enough shit to you guys anyway.


Recently, Craftsmate took some super up-close pictures of my pussy after he had shaven it.

I don’t usually go looking down there. So, when he had me look at the pictures, I was confessedly almost surprised. I didn’t realize I looked quite like that.

I’ve mentioned on here that my labia minora are uneven and my adolescent self freaked out over this fact to such a degree that I was already considering labiaplasty in high school. Which I now realize is absurd. I also apologized for said labia the first time a guy got acquainted with my vagina. Which I now realize is also absurd.

But looking at it in his pictures, I couldn’t help but find the unevenness adorable. It kind of seemed like my vagina was sticking out its (her?) tongue.

And so I think, from now on, I’m just going to think of it that way.
