
Maximum sweetheart though.


A throwback and a shameless self-promotion. With the encouragement of you all on here, I wrote a little book of erotica which was super scary to do and one of my favorite memories in the last five years of this tumblr. To celebrate the blogaversary, I’ve kicked the price down to $3.99.

Again, I am so so full of gratitude at the fact that you all were like “yeah girl write yo porn” and somehow, three years later, continue to buy and read it (!!!). It legitimately makes my day whenever I get a message that another person has downloaded it. 

Okay, shameless self-promotion and shower of gratitude over!


Sweetheart’s the kind of girl whose Daddy ends up getting a call pretty early on in the playdate.


Sweetheart’s trying so hard to be a big girl.

But, gosh, if learning to be a big girl doesn’t hurt.

Classing Up Around Here: Sweetheart Ebook Edition


In addition to the From Memory section, I’ve included a link to Ebooks in the sidebar of my tumblr.

So, this means, instead of me having to email Sweetheart to you and whatnot, you can just hit up Smashwords and do it the super legit wayAnd super anonymous, I guess, too.

Right now, it’s available in epub, mobi, pdf, rtf, lrf, pdb, and txt. It’s also coming soon for your kindle/iPad. 

(Massive apologies for the delay on that. It’s a combination of formatting woes, red tape and life.)

Notice, Ebooks plural. Something’s a-cookin’ and should be joining Sweetheart soon. 😉


Sweetheart, feeling very, very grown up.


Sweetheart’s gotta earn her keep somehow.