
“She was afraid, and the afraid, she realized, sought opportunities for bravery in love,“ – Lorrie Moore, Like Life.


You said it had a lot to do with where our blood was at the time. And where it wasn’t. And how we were thinking based on its distribution.

I can be the queen of terrible foresight. I’m the master of closing doors, of burning bridges, of taking exactly the worst opportunities. For someone who spends a lot of time thinking things over, I can be so thoughtless. I seem, sometimes, to be ruled by an ever-fluctuating logic of rules that continue to change when I never even knew the original doctrine.

And so I suppose a lot of it is just instinct. Everywhere else, I am thoughtful, careful, prepared. But, in this domain, I’m ruled by where the blood is, by the way the hair stands up on my skin, by the sort of electricity in my bones that you sometimes feel just after it has rained and, now, more often I tend to feel around people with stormy forecasts.


This is the part where one half of you betrays the other. The part where the top’s reticence smells the bottom’s vehement and eager disagreement. The part where you realize that though your brain can will your arms to pull back ad your body to squirm, it can’t seem to will away the wet enthusiasm your cunt is expressing. This is, undoubtedly, their favorite part.


I don’t care how impractical it is.

I want this bodysuit and I want to wear it everywhere.
