
Recently, Craftsmate took some super up-close pictures of my pussy after he had shaven it.

I don’t usually go looking down there. So, when he had me look at the pictures, I was confessedly almost surprised. I didn’t realize I looked quite like that.

I’ve mentioned on here that my labia minora are uneven and my adolescent self freaked out over this fact to such a degree that I was already considering labiaplasty in high school. Which I now realize is absurd. I also apologized for said labia the first time a guy got acquainted with my vagina. Which I now realize is also absurd.

But looking at it in his pictures, I couldn’t help but find the unevenness adorable. It kind of seemed like my vagina was sticking out its (her?) tongue.

And so I think, from now on, I’m just going to think of it that way.
