
Some things:

  1. So, I got told by an anonymous asker that I was a “lying cunt spewing bullshit” in reference to my opinion of the verdict last night. I will not share the ask, I’m doing too much to dignify it already by acknowledging it, but it’s full of self-assuring paranoid descriptions of basically why no young black man should be trusted and (as you can see) a completely unoriginal way to discredit me: essentially calling me a dishonest vagina. So let’s establish this now: If you have a problem with my politics, unfollow me. No one is forcing you to read this blog.
  2. I also woke up to find a lot of cute, nice things in my inbox that completely outnumbered the ridiculous message so hurray.
  3. I’m seeing Craftsmate today and even though we probably won’t be able to get enough privacy to have some sexy times, we have a fun day planned.
  4. This made me laugh.
  5. I have been squirming and fantasizing about this since I saw it. So consider that a strong hint to whoever wants to take it.


Wanderer by Audrey Kawasaki


Because the newspapers will say a male politician “spoke” about the economy, but a female politician “complained” about the economy and because people like Tony Abbott will look at their watches because a woman has something to say about it, I am a feminist.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the Prime Minister of Australia kicking ass and taking names (mostly Tony Abbott’s). [x]


Too pissed off to post sexy tonight.

Seriously, how the fuck is somebody like Rick Santorum doing so well? I am literally in awe that we’re just letting him, gosh, I don’t know, exist.

Sorry I have so many feelings. Ugh.


“You have awakened a sleeping giant.”

Good morning.

I can only hope that we keep the momentum going. It’s easy to get fired up and let it fizzle out.


Those who follow me, I’m sure, have picked up on the fact that I love pizza to an inordinate degree. But, I’m sorry, even I recognize that pizza is not a freaking vegetable. The fact that Congress can sit there and call pizza a vegetable is honestly such a disgusting display of cutting corners, pandering, and complete bullshit. This is a clear demonstration of the fact that Congress is clearly viewing the American population as numbers, dollar signs, statistics, and not people. So what if improving the requirements for school lunches might cost some more? These are children whose health you are placing in a precarious balance because you consider tomato paste to be a freaking vegetable. 

Sorry, I’ll stop now.


The Southern Gentleman: I don’t get why you hate Rick Perry.

Me: (whilst trying to do that mountain of schoolwork I mentioned) Okay.

SG: I mean, he’s an upstanding guy.

Me: Please don’t get me started.

SG: What could you possibly have a problem with?

Me: SG, I need to study. I am not going to have this conversation about your cowboy mancrush while I’m reading. You’re going to make me mad.

SG: (grinning) Angry sex mad?


Oppose the Data Retention Bill


Oppose the Data Retention Bill

A Request


To my followers,

I do apologize again for straying away from the regularly scheduled smut.

Depending on where you’re from and how you’ve been keeping up with the news, you may have heard of a certain character named Michele Bachmann. She’s a Representative from Minnesota and is associated with the Tea Party, so you know she’s got to be pretty awesome

She is also associated with the Bachmann Family Clinic, a therapy clinic operated by Bachmann and her husband. Recently, testimonies and investigations have revealed that the clinic has attempted to use anti-gay reparative therapy on its patients. For those who don’t know, this essentially means de-gaying people, turning people straight, whatever you want to call it.

In addition to the notion it a) it doesn’t work and b) discredited by mental health professionals, the Bachmanns are receiving more than $137,000 in federal funds. You may remember my post recently about Planned Parenthood. It’s literally an outrage to me that the funding of Title X programs is so debated while this was allowed slide right under the radar.

Please, sign the petition here to request that the Department of Health and Human Services investigates Bachmann’s usage of their federal funding. Anti-gay reparative therapy is something akin to ethnocide in my book. And I hope, that while you look at my smut and you see the spectrum of sexuality represented here, you’ll be motivated to help fight for the rights of other people who live in much less liberal areas, come from much less accepting households, and had much less of an easy time revealing their identities.

