A Request


To my followers,

I do apologize again for straying away from the regularly scheduled smut.

Depending on where you’re from and how you’ve been keeping up with the news, you may have heard of a certain character named Michele Bachmann. She’s a Representative from Minnesota and is associated with the Tea Party, so you know she’s got to be pretty awesome

She is also associated with the Bachmann Family Clinic, a therapy clinic operated by Bachmann and her husband. Recently, testimonies and investigations have revealed that the clinic has attempted to use anti-gay reparative therapy on its patients. For those who don’t know, this essentially means de-gaying people, turning people straight, whatever you want to call it.

In addition to the notion it a) it doesn’t work and b) discredited by mental health professionals, the Bachmanns are receiving more than $137,000 in federal funds. You may remember my post recently about Planned Parenthood. It’s literally an outrage to me that the funding of Title X programs is so debated while this was allowed slide right under the radar.

Please, sign the petition here to request that the Department of Health and Human Services investigates Bachmann’s usage of their federal funding. Anti-gay reparative therapy is something akin to ethnocide in my book. And I hope, that while you look at my smut and you see the spectrum of sexuality represented here, you’ll be motivated to help fight for the rights of other people who live in much less liberal areas, come from much less accepting households, and had much less of an easy time revealing their identities.



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