


Lately, I’ve fallen a bit slack on actually being proactive about defending and defining women’s rights.

I’m taking steps now to remedy this situation. And, I don’t care if this isn’t a sex post. If you care about my sex life, then you’re going to have to care about everything that influences it, a lot of which is listed right here in this photograph. 


“You have awakened a sleeping giant.”

Good morning.

I can only hope that we keep the momentum going. It’s easy to get fired up and let it fizzle out.


Confession: When I was young, I used to draw pictures of women tying each other up. I kept them in a notebook. I have since misplaced said notebook. I hope this isn’t the kind of thing that will inopportunely turn up. 


Cover of “Escape Into Bondage 2” art by Eric Stanton 1962