

Billie liked being loaded and fucked in every way.

Are you serious right now?

Are you fucking serious?

This woman defies racial and gender barriers to have an absolutely incredible career, sings a song about the scariest depths of love when it starts to be dangerous and self-destructive, leaves a legend behind that we should be freaking reverent of. And you sit there and see this song and snicker and write that vulgarity?

I am so fucking done with tumblr doms. I’m so fucking angry.


This video is an excerpt from the film Miss Representation.

And I suggest everyone watch this. Really. All of you. Seriously. If not the full documentary, at least this 8 minute clip.

I had an ex, when I tried to tell him about it, inform me that apparently this was “bullshit” and women “already had equality.” Needless to say (and for other reasons that aren’t all that distant from this), I don’t speak to him anymore.