

I will always love this

Oh my God the photos from this lunch come across my dash every so often and I just can’t even.



The Exam, Part Three

The study lasted—well, they later told her it was six weeks. She’d lost count by day four.

She returned to the doctor’s office each morning, and since Daddy had to leave early for work, most days she got belted into the back seat in her slippers and nightie and sleepy fuzzy hair. She always got put in a gown (and usually taken out of it) as soon as she arrived anyway. And it didn’t matter if she’d just had a bath or not; they always stripped her down and scrubbed her clean before they started.

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Oh. My god.

Just read this walking home from a party.

Words can’t even…


Literally anytime I scroll past this in my drafts, my breath catches and my heart gets all thumpy.


This gif is making a pretty strong campaign for hottest thing I’ve seen in a while.


This afternoon, I attended the final class of my undergraduate career.

Holy crap. Time flies.


Two years ago I started this silly little blog so I could talk out my thoughts, get over my insecurities and connect with people I had already been reading for some time.

I was twenty, coming out of what I soon realized was a pretty messed up relationship and coming to terms with the fact that I had become depressed. I wasn’t doing things for the right reasons and I wasn’t happy with myself.

I’m not saying this blog fixed things. But I am saying that it is an interesting marker of how things can change in two years. And it certainly wasn’t a detriment: I’ve met wonderful people, learned a lot about myself, and, honestly, above all, grew up.

Thank you for taking this journey with me.

<3, Ivy


A shot found at Art XXXtra.


Let someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. To believe that you must hide all the parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room.

Marc Hack (via thelittleyellowdiary)

So, I bought the dress that Sasha’s wearing from modcloth at the end of last year, not knowing this picture existed. I’m saving it for a special occasion, but oh my gosh. Sasha Grey and I have the same taste in dresses. I’ve got to do this biddy justice when I wear it.