
Happy spankings sound like lots of fun

But I’m way too much of a pouty girl.


He claims he’s not a Daddy.

But sometimes he gives me that kind of pitterpatter and pulls my heart strings just so.


Oh this gives me feelings


He could’ve sworn she’d planned to be a good girl that day.

But, silly Daddy, things don’t always go according to plan.


You can’t really see it (sorry ‘bout it) but my legs are flailing. 


I love how, despite the poor lighting and crappy webcam, you can still see how red he made my ass.


Reason #3 Why Ivy Needs a Big Sis  

Because you need somebody’s hand to hold when Daddy finds out,

and somebody who’ll wink and say it was worth it.


So, Craftsmate just confirmed he can take time off of work to help me move to my new place in under a month.

In addition to having a lot of an easier time setting up my new apartment, I’m sure I can look forward to a lot of this.


I always want it to get that red, but I’m far too squirmy and sensitive to be able to sit through that many blows. I wish I were more of a masochist, but I like the marks much, much more than the pain.


“I can bear any pain as long as it has meaning,” – Haruki Murakami, 1Q84.