
Sir’s having me demo bottom for a workshop he’s doing in a month, but he won’t tell me what the class is on or what I’ll be doing. The anticipation is killing me, and it’s still a month away.


I always want it to get that red, but I’m far too squirmy and sensitive to be able to sit through that many blows. I wish I were more of a masochist, but I like the marks much, much more than the pain.


So, maybe you all can settle a little debate I’ve got going on with Craftsmate.

He says it’s easier for him to cum when he can see my feet.

I call that a foot fetish.

He says, no, it’s not because it’s not that he needs my feet to get off or he wants to fuck my feet. He just finds my feet cute.

And, as he describes it: “It’s not like I can jack off to just feet. It has to be a holistic visual experience.”

So, we decided to turn it over to you guys. Foot fetish or not?


I’d like to imagine that if he weren’t holding her that way, I imagine she’d just fall right into the mirror he’s holding her in front of. And that would be no good at all, it would just get her off the hook from having to watch those little faces she makes until she can finally appreciate them.