

The man you want to save you is also the man who put you here to begin with.




I love the delicate little lace blindfold in this. 


It’s taken a lot for me to be able to admit to myself that I enjoy – and am worthy of – attention. I fall back so often upon fears of being demanding and anxiety over how much space I am allowed to take up in the world, in other people’s lives, in my own priorities. 

And as much as it’s manifested personally, it’s manifested on a level in my kink as well. I find it so hard to ask for the things I like by name because I fear I’ll come across as far too demanding, I’m afraid to admit that I love attention because I fear I’ll be considered self-centered or that I’ll be slut-shamed. 

But I’ve been trying so hard to throw that burden off of myself in other areas of my life, and I feel like I need to do that here as well. So, yes, anons who call me a narcissist, I might just be a little bit of an attention whore. And, no, I’m not going to waste my energy at the next play party or orgy I go to trying to hide how much I sincerely and wholeheartedly want to be there. 

Yeah, I like receiving attention. And maybe sometimes I’ll overstep it and be a little too needy or a little too demanding, but I would rather that than worry that I am simply taking up too much space.


Thanks to those of you who sent questions last night to Sir, he had a good time. There’s one or two left over, so we’ll save them for whenever he gets a chance to do it again. 

In other news, I need this right now.


I’ve decided I need a little kitty/rope bottom buddy like immediately so let’s address this issue as soon as possible.


The Story of Olga by Ellen von Unwerth


The final chapter of Overwhelmed is coming tomorrow. So, ah, get ready.


Lately, I just want direction. I want someone to just take over and let me take my hands off the wheel for a little while. I know that’s a lot to ask. Too much, probably. It’s unreasonable and I know I wouldn’t be happy. But that makes me feel small and pathetic and needy and demanding and a little incapable. 


How fortunate for certain squirmy girls that house-calls aren’t simply for general practitioners anymore. 


I love how the clothespin says “hehehe.”

Because as serious as this might seem under a blindfold,

to everybody else it’s just a silly little game.