
“It isn’t that hard, boy, to like you or love you
I’d follow you down, down, down
You’re unbelievable
If you’re going crazy, just grab me and take me
I’d follow you down down down, anywhere, anywhere.”


A lot of the time, it’s ambition that keeps me going. I don’t particularly like the pain, but I love bragging that I endured it.


“Baby, the sight of you drooling is much more interesting than anything you’d have to say anyway.”


Sir and I are going to at least one play party together when I visit this weekend. I told him I wanted to spend some time next to him like this, struggling not to drool all over myself while he socializes with people. The clamps secured to her lap is a rather cruel touch.


There’s something about being told that good girls share, and then not getting any at all.


This is a little harsher than what I usually post up, but consider it an ambitious start to Topless Tuesday and a way to show a certain inquisitive follower the ballgag Sir made me.


“You know sometimes I scream behind my gag, right?” I asked him. “Like when you’re hurting me. Sometimes I literally scream.”

He grinned. “Yeah. I know.”


Messy girls are pretty girls, even if they are a little bashful about it.


A little bit of nerves is a healthy thing, really.


Two things:

  1. I drool like crazy when these get put on my tongue.
  2. Surprisingly, the most painful place to take these is not my clitoris, but between my fingers and toes. (Yes, a certain someone is evil enough to put them there.)