
To the certain somebody who claims he isn’t into Dd/lg.

But then loves it when I dress up/act this way.



It was bad enough that she had disobeyed Daddy and went to meet that boy at the park, dressed in that little dress and the heels Daddy had said were too grown-up for her.

Maybe the amount of makeup she had put on could be forgivable, if only for how her precious efforts had made her look more than a little silly.

But the fact that she wore Daddy’s special plug out? She’d better hope she doesn’t get caught.


Well now that I need to go hide that dress.


Would that little see-through dress that

embarrassed her in high school

become one of his favourite means

of showing off his special girl?



Ivy’s First Trip to a Dungeon, Part One 

Yeah, you read it right. And while getting ready was not nearly as glamorous as this gif and mostly took place in a public restroom, it happened.

Craftsmate and I picked pseudonyms, practiced all of yesterday calling each other them and headed out that evening to a BDSM club. Naturally, I was completely nervous heading in and just about panicked when Craftsmate left me alone within the first fifteen minutes to find the men’s room.

This was for a number of reasons, some being:

  1. I was severely underdressed and was starting to realize it. Or maybe overdressed. It’s hard to tell. Because people were wearing significantly less clothing than I but it was significantly more ornate. I had on a blouse, a skirt, stockings, boots. I don’t really own any fetish wear and agh I don’t know but yeah. 
  2. I had no idea where to look because literally everywhere I turned there was some crazy stuff happening. And so I kind of stood alone fiddling with my skirt and trying not to die on the spot after going face-to-face with literally one of the biggest penises I have ever seen in my life.
  3. Some guy came up and tried to be social. Apparently “so, what do you do?” is not an appropriate or specific-enough question for a BDSM club.
  4. Then this girl ran over to me and was like “OH! I know you!” And I just about peed my pants and I was like, “NO THERE IS NO WAY YOU COULD KNOW ME NO I HAVE NEVER BEEN HERE BEFORE I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOU IN MY LIFE BEFORE.” And then she’s all, “oh, nevermind, you just look like someone” and some nearby woman was like, “don’t mind her, she’s trying to hit on you.” Cue the blushing.
  5. And then, right before Craftsmate finally finds me, there’s some guy literally screaming on another floor. So, ah. There’s that.

We wind up sitting with the girl who had just approached me while she emptied out this huge bag she was carrying to show us the absurd plethora of toys she was lugging around. After watching her explain her hoard to us for a while, Craftsmate and I decided to slip away to one of the more secluded areas to mess around for a bit.

(Oh, and happy 2000th post to meeee.)




I need a crew of minions to find me this dress.

or you could just click the source…


But, yeah, for anyone else who is wondering…

Def saving my nickels and dimes BECAUSE THERE IS A LARRY DAVID ONE AS WELL.


I need a crew of minions to find me this dress.


Pretty likes it when you beg.

But she likes it best when you deliver.


It’s when he asks for those certain things that she blushes, bites her lip, tells him to keep his voice down. And she worries everyone around has abandoned their own preoccupations to hear what he had just whispered.

“I can’t possibly do that right here.”

It’s funny how fickle the concept of “can’t possibly” can be.


midsummer daydreamer by Seatory on Flickr.