
Squirmies are always relevant to this blog.


So one of my awesome followers directed me over to the longer version of the video of this. It’s labelled as “Ally Kay interracial with asian guy” but I guess it’s something. (WOULD IT BE SO HARD TO CALL HIM BY HIS NAME?)

Nonetheless, some things I’ve learned:

  1. This man is named Keni Styles and he is literally the first and only Asian male pornstar working in America. WHAT.
  2. He has a really sexy voice that does stuff to me.
  3. He kind of sounds like Gordon Ramsey when he’s being strict which is hot to me so whatever.
  4. He’s super mean like almost as mean as Sir like super mean.


“Punishment Incorporated: Ashley” featuring Keni Styles and Ashley (pics, video)


Sir and I have agreed that we need one of these now. Just to balance stuff out.



arousingly submissive

Photo by Alexey Aloisov


“No mask this time,” Sir told me, “just pretty you. Your pretty face. Maybe I’ll let you bring your blindfold just in case, but you’re not escaping behind a mask this time.”

(I’m so nervous and excited I’m not sure I will be able to sleep.)


I should mention that Sir and I are starting to explore something new with our dynamic. A few years ago, I used to like being more of a “slave” than a “sub,” but I got burned pretty hard by some people and it drove me away. I got really, really scared about putting that much trust in someone like that again, and so I completely resisted entering into that sort of dynamic again. But, I’ve always craved it and wished I could have it.

A few weeks ago, I admitted this to Sir. I was stressed out and I was craving that release of just serving someone. I kept asking him to just take control and he kept asking me what I meant. The whole time, I was shaking because I was so scared to let myself feel that again. But, I admitted it to him.

I told him about how I wanted to feel more like property, about how cherished that used to make me feel. I admitted I used to let myself get pushed deeper into subspace, that I used to hold off on backing out of beatings just because they started to really hurt, that I used to value obedience and service. But I had my trust betrayed and I completely withdrew and closed off to it. 

It’s been a process of me first admitting this to myself, and now admitting it to him. Sir has been so patient and loving and I’m so proud to be owned by him. I have no interest in calling him Master, but we’ve been exploring that new dynamic now. And I get super nervous when we do, but I’m excited. And I’m so, so happy I can start to trust someone that way again.


Sir and I keep talking about what I’m going to wear for this whole potential threesome with SG.

I think I just got an idea.


I don’t know what would be blushier:

Actually wearing this thing

or having to lie very still while Sir measured everything out to make it.


Surprises from my Daddy are the bestest.

Especially when they coincidentally match my outfit!



I know this game, I hate this game, I love this game.

(The last time it was a river of water in the bend of my spine and a small spiked wheel across my thighs.)

Um, I’ll have what she’s having.



please guide me. please make me feel useful and wanted and safe and loved. please let me serve you and belong to you. please let me lay at your feet and kneel at your side. please protect and take care of me. please don’t let me go. please keep me.

These feelings.

I am quite familiar with them.