
Trigger warning: rape, rape culture

One of the really unfortunate side-effects of this lifestyle is that there are actually sick, terrible people that can slip under the radar. I’ve had a partner in the past that did some pretty bad things by me, but I thought I had learned.

While nothing happened to me with this person, I’ve had some suspicions confirmed today to an unimaginable degree. Basically, a relationship of his that I thought was a little problematic was actually foul. He’s a person I’ve written about very sparsely on here, I hadn’t even given him a name. And today I met someone else who has played with him, and she revealed something to me about his primary relationship.

I’m horrified for having trusted this person, for even having touched them and let them touch me. I’m terrified that this person can blend in with a group and can target other people. I’m scared that we still live in a culture where his actions could be construed as “ambiguous.”

I don’t know, guys. I’m just really disgusted.


“But I believe in intention and I believe in work. I believe in waking up in the middle of the night and packing our bags and leaving our worst selves for our better ones.” – Leslie Jamison, The Empathy Exams.


Google Search

source unknown





Lalala making cruddy and pointless character concept lalala…
Seriously I can never seem to shake off that “Disney” or “DC” animated  look at all. He looks like some kinda evil version of Roger Radcliffe grrr.

This is whyexactly

I’m laughing so hard because it’s kind of really true

And cuz now I will read all his posts in this characters voice

Oh my god.


The first time I saw Biggie’s Hypnotize video, the mermaid girls may have given me an idea or two.


I’ve got a little bit of time and a lot of stuff in my askbox, a ton of which are from anons, so I’m going to go through and try to make a big post of answers like my favorite bunny sometimes does.

If you’ve got anything to add, speak now or forever hold your peace.




Current status.

It’s a gorgeous, brisk autumn day. I woke up early and I’ve already been super productive.

My head is going to be all over the place today, but I feel like I can totally handle it.


Salvador Dalí in collaboration with Walt Disney.


Thank you for the kind words in my askbox. They were lovely to wake up to.

I’m running out the door today, but please know I appreciate the messages.

I’m sorry for the whiney feelings post. I’m just in a little bit of a funk.


Jackie Dunn Smith


senses-working-overtime:  The illustration of Hiromi Sato resembles the cutest scrapbook you’ve ever seen. Full of textiles, buttons and wool, Sato layers patterns to create collage-like images with fairy tale themes. I love the sweet mori girl aesthetic of her work. Enjoy.

My Daddy sent me this and I think it’s the cutest and bestest.

Yesterday, I had a major deadline and I met it. I also had a majorly good hair day. (Thank you, universe!)

It’s only a week until I get some time to go home and little more than that until I get to see Sir. And I’m feeling so good today.

This has been a post.


Hey, followers. There’s now under a month left on the indiegogo for my e-book, Sweetheart. And, so far, the support over the past week and change has been amazing, raising more than 12% of my goal. So, thank you!

I’m writing to build a drop more hype around the perks end of the e-book. The photographer of the cover, Dominic von Stösser, has graciously printed twenty awesome fine-art prints of the cover image on 5×7" fibre-based paper. (Look how pretty they are! You can use them to fan yourself from their hotness.)

And, if you donate $40 to the cause, you’ll have one mailed to you, along with a note of gratitude from myself.

And, as you should know by now, I tend to express gratitude with a little more than a simple “thank you.”

Either way, consider this post an expression of my gratitude and also a reminder that the e-book is out August 1 (whaaaaat) so get those pre-orders in if you’d like to make me a happy kitty and help support a budding erotica writer. Currently, it’s in the editing/proofreading stage so you all don’t get no E.L. James-style errors up in this book.

And, remember, the highest donor gets a nice surprise (that isn’t really a surprise, just read the indiegogo.)

</shameless self promotion>

<3, Ivy

For samples of Sweetheart, click here.

To pre-order Sweetheart and/or get your hands on one of these prints, click here.