
Hey, followers. There’s now under a month left on the indiegogo for my e-book, Sweetheart. And, so far, the support over the past week and change has been amazing, raising more than 12% of my goal. So, thank you!

I’m writing to build a drop more hype around the perks end of the e-book. The photographer of the cover, Dominic von Stösser, has graciously printed twenty awesome fine-art prints of the cover image on 5×7" fibre-based paper. (Look how pretty they are! You can use them to fan yourself from their hotness.)

And, if you donate $40 to the cause, you’ll have one mailed to you, along with a note of gratitude from myself.

And, as you should know by now, I tend to express gratitude with a little more than a simple “thank you.”

Either way, consider this post an expression of my gratitude and also a reminder that the e-book is out August 1 (whaaaaat) so get those pre-orders in if you’d like to make me a happy kitty and help support a budding erotica writer. Currently, it’s in the editing/proofreading stage so you all don’t get no E.L. James-style errors up in this book.

And, remember, the highest donor gets a nice surprise (that isn’t really a surprise, just read the indiegogo.)

</shameless self promotion>

<3, Ivy

For samples of Sweetheart, click here.

To pre-order Sweetheart and/or get your hands on one of these prints, click here.