
Trigger warning: rape, rape culture

One of the really unfortunate side-effects of this lifestyle is that there are actually sick, terrible people that can slip under the radar. I’ve had a partner in the past that did some pretty bad things by me, but I thought I had learned.

While nothing happened to me with this person, I’ve had some suspicions confirmed today to an unimaginable degree. Basically, a relationship of his that I thought was a little problematic was actually foul. He’s a person I’ve written about very sparsely on here, I hadn’t even given him a name. And today I met someone else who has played with him, and she revealed something to me about his primary relationship.

I’m horrified for having trusted this person, for even having touched them and let them touch me. I’m terrified that this person can blend in with a group and can target other people. I’m scared that we still live in a culture where his actions could be construed as “ambiguous.”

I don’t know, guys. I’m just really disgusted.

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