



i just saw a post on fb that said men shouldn’t let their girlfriends/wives pump gas….like literally men should be the only ones putting gas in the car….what is the logic someone explain

well u see, once a woman has a taste of control of phallic “pumping” & ejaculation of gasoline into the warm and receptive car body, she will carry this energy forth as an emasculatory force against the man in question, stripping his life of meaning, since fucking the car is usually his prerogative and his main source of identity

i’ve been screaming at this for 10 hours


Sir got a Christmas card with little peel-off window decals on it but he thought they were “gummy candy,” so he started trying to eat them. And he’s like chewing them and he’s like, “these don’t taste like anything,” and I’m like, “babe I don’t think that’s edible.” And he spits it out and reads the back of the card and is now sitting around and pouting because he wanted candy I guess and is like, “I don’t like this card anymore, I’m throwing this out.” So uh I don’t even know who the little in this relationship is anymore.





Lalala making cruddy and pointless character concept lalala…
Seriously I can never seem to shake off that “Disney” or “DC” animated  look at all. He looks like some kinda evil version of Roger Radcliffe grrr.

This is whyexactly

I’m laughing so hard because it’s kind of really true

And cuz now I will read all his posts in this characters voice

Oh my god.