
Gearing up for the last, longest leg of my trip to see Sir. 

This has always been one of my poly feelings songs – “How do I know I can come and give to you/love with no warning and find you alone?” – and it feels all the more appropriate and applicable for what’s ahead of me.

Facts are that I haven’t seen Sir in four months now. We’ve been contending with time zones, with both being extremely busy, with other relationships and obligations. And for as sure as I am that this is just the anxiety that comes with hopping on a plane to fly around the world and see someone, with all the expectation and stakes involved, it’s hard not to worry of all that could go wrong. 

That lyric’s always stuck with me because it’s impossible: there’s absolutely no way to know. There’s absolutely no guarantee, and it’s as unreasonable as most of the great love proclamations people say so readily they’ve lost their absurdity under idiom – never let me go, don’t ever leave my side, etc. And so I know arriving will probably be a little awkward, things may not go as seamlessly at first as you want to expect.

But I know I love the crap out of this person. Despite being exhausted and having a massive flight still ahead of me, I’m excited to see him. 


Poly problems, brought to you by SG and I.


I’ve got a very long trip ahead of me, but I get to see Sir at the end of it. Wish me luck, tumblr.


Sir’s having me demo bottom for a workshop he’s doing in a month, but he won’t tell me what the class is on or what I’ll be doing. The anticipation is killing me, and it’s still a month away.


I took a really hard beating the other day and handled it pretty well and my ass was red for like two days so that was very much a thing.

Morning Tip



Without saying a thing, sit your sub on the floor. Get yourself in a comfortable position on a chair, and face them. Have them stick out their tongue, then firmly take it between your thumb and pointer finger. Don’t say anything, just sit there holding it for at least 5 actual minutes, 10 if you can handle it. You will be left with a drooling, sobbing, humiliated sub.



Guy: *sends dick pic*
Me: Thank you. While you enjoy an absolut cocktail in the interior illusions lounge, the judges and I will deliberate.



It is truly beautiful to come home and find my slave chained to the bed waiting for me like a good little pet. She looks adorable when she is sleeping and chained up, I watched her for a while and then I spanked her to wake her up and get her ready to be used.

So many feelings.