You said something about the guy you were seeing giving you a spanking in his car, do all of the people you date go into it knowing the kinds of things you are in to?


On my okcupid, I’ve answered questions indicating I’m submissive and whatnot. If they do enough research, potential suitors get the idea.

Also, I’m huge on consent. Like, in a nonnegotiable sense. So, he asked me earlier if he could (he likes my butt a whole lot) and I said, yes, I was into it.


I need a vacation.

Baby, can we take a vacation?




So, the other day I met one of Sir’s partners on Skype. The two of them had recently been out with each other and I had gotten really anxious in the middle and broke down and called him up. I wasn’t proud of it, but I just get scared.

Basically, she meets a lot of the stuff that I really can’t for Sir. And so my head runs through all these crazy possibilities like, “oh my gosh he’s going to realize that she’s better at this and that and he’s going to be done with me.” I recognize I’ve got a serious fear of abandonment, which naturally goes just peachy with ethical non-monogamy. 

But, when Sir and I sat down to talk, I wound up just getting really shy. I was a little embarrassed about having placed the call the other day while they were together and I’m just generally a kind of shy person. So, I kept hiding my face and getting nervous. 

For the most part, I was a nervous, shy mess. But, we all kind of flirted a little and, gosh, I don’t know. I think I’d be down for doing something as the three of us. I just need to sort out some of my anxieties and remember that in the same way none of my partners will “replace” any other, the same holds true for Sir.

It’s kind of alarming that even in the face of the logic of my own non-monogamy, I can’t shake that feeling of inadequacy or precariousness in my primary relationship. 


So, I went out on another date with this gent

Once again, it went really, really well. To the point that he ended up giving me a spanking in his car and then held me afterwards. 

So, yeah, tumblr. I don’t know. Maybe this is the start of something interesting.


The other night Sir threw a party and some of us got to discussing what the ugliest body part was. We’d agreed upon knees (sorry, knees) until someone interjected that she thought feet were actually grosser than knees.

And Sir, looking as if someone had personally insulted his taste, blurts out, “no! Feet are beautiful and delicious.”

And I just kind of looked at him like baaaabe. Rein it in.

My Owner and I want to open our relationship up but have been utterly let down by fetlife (plus too many members if my family are on there eeeek!) how do you navigate okcupid? Any tips? Thank you so much! Your blog is such an inspiration!


Yikes yikes. Don’t use fetlife. Folks on fetlife are like the birds in Finding Nemo. Gross.

As far as okcupid, my tips are as follows:
1. Answer questions related to nonmonogamy/kink on there. That way, you are only getting a match percentage based on that. You can talk out whether or not you’re personally compatible later, but using questions allows you to filter out people who otherwise don’t respect or don’t understand poly. So skip the ones about whether or not you like butter or margarine and stick to the ones about whether or not you like flogging.
2. Be honest on your profile. Okcupid now allows you to list yourself as non-monogamous and as in an open relationship. Let people know off the bat.
3. Have your partner make a profile as well and link to the profile on yours. That way, if you and your partner are looking for other individuals or couples to play with in addition to your respective interests, people can go between the two of you rather easily.
4. Okcupid is not 100% secure. Don’t put stuff up there that you would be alarmed if a friend or neighbor found.
5. If the person doesn’t match you in terms of openness, don’t go down that road. I typically avoid profiles with little to no information, very few questions answered and no photos. Some people prefer to share photos outside of their profile. Regardless, know what the person looks like before you agree to meet them.
6. If you meet someone, have an escape route. You should have somebody who knows where you are going, what the person’s info is (okcupid username, photo, phone number) and when you should approximately be done. Agree to check in with that person at a certain time to ensure you are safe. Agree to meet in person with that person after your date for added security.
7. Don’t get in anybody’s car on a first date.
8. I usually avoid straight, single men because they usually think they can take me away from my boyfriend or do not understand what poly is. But that’s just my preference.
9. Keep in mind that okcupid is disproportionately male. If you’re looking for it, great. But know women are few and far between there.
10. If someone outside of your demographic (you are allowed to specify age and gender identity of people you want to see) without acknowledging it, don’t talk to them. For instance, my profile says I’m into “men” and “women” (and obviously anything in between but okcupid gets weird about anything non-binary or queer) between the ages of 21 and 35. When a 55 year old man messages me without mentioning “I know I’m older than your profile states, etc etc, but I messaged you because…”, it demonstrates to me that he just looked at my picture and ignored what I had to say. You don’t have time for people who don’t have time to look at what interests you or makes you comfortable.
11. And on that note, if anyone makes you uncomfortable, don’t give them the time of day. They don’t deserve your attention.

This is going to sound super naive, but though I knew they existed, I never saw a raceplay blog until today because well, quality dash. Then I saw your reblog and just… WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. That shit’s so disgusting I wanted to throw up.


I mean, that guy’s also an actual racist. He reblogged my reblog to say that Asian men were “disgusting.” So he can dress it up as a “fetish” or a “fantasy” all he wants, but in the end you don’t really get more transparently racist than that.


Lol that’s Sir’s head. I took the photo lying on my back with my legs up against his chest and over his shoulders. That’s his arm around my legs. He tilted his head up so his face wasn’t in the photo.