Do you and Sir every indulge in cybersex when you’re apart? Did you ever do it with any of your partners? My bf and I are currently in a long distance relationship and are exploring ways to keep the fire alive. He suggested it, but I don’t know, sounds weird to me.


Haha we tried a few times but Sir gets lazy and is like, “ugh I do not want to put this much energy into describing receiving a blowjob.”

I have done it with one or two partners who were really into it. If you both enjoy it, it can be fun. Sir and I prefer sending photos, skyping, dirtytalking, etc. 

The app “Couple” has been really useful for us in terms of sending photos, keeping in touch, not accidentally sexting other people. It’s got cute little smiley things and a “thumbkiss” thing that’s really adorable.


We won’t be disappointed

We’ll fight like girls for our place at the table

Our room on the floor.





I figured that out as soon as I figured out your ethnicity.

Evidently couldn’t figure out that the “Asianese” photoshopped onto the sign is utter gibberish composed of Japanese/Chinese characters seemingly selected at random, scrawled in a first grader’s handwriting.

The second line reads something like: “But vinegar blood impressive benevolence impressive vinegar monster monster.”

Yeah. real hot. If you’re going to do raceplay, at least try not to make yourself look like an idiot.

I didn’t make it, but yeah, that’s actually pretty much what I expected, I don’t fucking read moonspeak. It’s hot to anyone who doesn’t speak squiggly bullshit, so I reblogged it. Who the fuck cares whether or not it’s legit? Grow the fuck up and quit taking yourself so goddamn seriously.

This “moonspeak” you speak of is older than our language. It’s not “squiggly bullshit.” It’s honestly not even that squiggly.

It’s like if I made a post of myself holding up a sign that said “cracker cheese cracker Louis Vuitton handbag complaint discomfort Instagram nail art Starbucks” and said it was English for something.

There’s a line between race play and racism.


Me: Why is she plunging her pussy in step 5?
Sir: Ivy, that’s the penis.




That wasn’t an accident.

Daphne was just sick of being asked to “split up and look for clues” with Ol’ Ascot over there.

Hi Ivy, question for you. At what point do you tell a date about your primary relationship and polyamory? My bf and I are toying with the idea of trying to date other people, but I really have no idea how to bring up that subject or when. Have you and Sir got weird reactions or do the people you date always know about your relationship beforehand?


So, I have it right up on my okcupid profile. There’s even a link to his on mine in case someone might be interested in him!

I get stupid messages from people who clearly don’t read my profile and I just ignore them. Or people who think I’m cheating on my boyfriend. I also ignore these.

Typically I prefer to go out with people who also have primary partners anyway. There’s less pressure and we can understand each other better.

can you elaborate on being ethically non-monogamous? I saw you reblog a quote on not equating commitment with monogamy, feel like this is something you’ve thought on considerably.


So, my boyfriend and I practice ethical non-monogamy in the sense that he and I are primary partners who are open to exploring other relationships and encounters with people.

He has a couple of ladies in his life. I have my Daddy and I’m kind of navigating okcupid a bit to see where it takes me.

We have a policy of accountability. He tells me who he is seeing and when, as do I. We tell each other how stuff went and check in about doing new stuff with our partners to make sure the other is all right with it. In the end, we’re each other’s home bases.

So, as you see, even in the absence of monogamy, our relationship involves a ton of commitment.


It was supposed to rain yesterday and it didn’t. It felt like one of those April days where you get a brief respite from the rain and everything is green and lush and, for a brief moment, you start to remember what warm weather felt like.

I’ve got a busy day today, but I had a really, really good date last night. It’s the first time I kind of did ethical non-monogamy with the training wheels off (as in, without Sir or Daddy there) and felt it was successful (as opposed to the snoozer the other day.) I’m excited about the potential with this person, but I’m also just proud of myself for being brave and letting go of my anxieties about doing this stuff by myself.


The green return

Jeans won.


Because it’s supposed to get cold and I looked up the restaurant and it’s kind of nice.

Wore the same outfit as my last first date this past weekend because it’s a good one and I refuse to have it ruined by one bad date.

But if this one goes awful, I’m live blogging it. 😛