
My mother used to tell me blowjobs weren’t very intimate. I disagree.


So I’m sitting here flipping through Playboy and I’m like okay, you’ve got an article on fossils, an article on mud and stuff, I get it. And then I’m *finally* like boobs, finally! And then there’s a freaking article on Frank Sinatra and I’m like there just aren’t enough boobs in this magazine.

The Redhead, doing the exact opposite of “reading Playboy for the articles” proving once more why she is one of my best friends.

As it happens, Pretty loves blowjobs, too.


It’s when you start looking forward to suffering, and when that suffering is sometimes more gratifying than pleasure, that you realize you might just be owned.


Not all little girls are bashful and naive.


heading out tonight as I have essentially just finished my undergrad.

Craftsmate makes me green drinks
called ivysaurs because he thinks he is hilarious.

See you all tomorrow morning. Or more realistically tomorrow afternoon.


So, I got my thesis back today and got a really great grade.

Of course this was ruined by one of my readers including misogynist comments in my crit and feeling the need to mansplain something I had researched for months that he “just had a hunch” about.

Nonetheless, a high grade and low expectations for the old boys club which is my department both “satisfied,” so to speak.