
Sir sent me this kitty a while ago and said it was basically me.


Current status.


Ughhh, fuck obligations.

Can I just be a kitty instead?


Important 365 photos photo because it’s probably the most representative photo I could take.

I was mid-posing when I mid-judged how much space I had and actually rolled off of my bed. The photo caught this. I think my foot looks like a flailing cat paw, like the kind in the really absurd photos of cats on the Internet. You know what I’m talking about.

But yeah. This photo probably embodies me the most of any I’ve put on here. Tried to be sexy, fell on my head.


Sir shipped me some of my things from his place and they arrived the other day. Among them was my tail. Even though I have it here now and even though I haven’t been able to be a kitty in a while, I don’t think I would be able to do it with anybody but Sir. Which stinks, because I miss doing that stuff so much.


I just really need a day like this. It’s been a long time since I got to just let go.


Can we discuss the fact that the real (ok not really) casualty of the accidental bloodplay Jenga evening was actually my famous semi-sheer dress?

I wore it with some really cute lingerie underneath (gotta be prepared) that blended in with the pattern just enough and Sir kept joking about what a little slut I was. 

Well, during the whole mess, my dress wound up getting irreparably torn. 

So, yeah, Pup has a scar on his thumb and the see-through dress is now a dishrag. Siiigh.