
Important 365 photos photo because it’s probably the most representative photo I could take.

I was mid-posing when I mid-judged how much space I had and actually rolled off of my bed. The photo caught this. I think my foot looks like a flailing cat paw, like the kind in the really absurd photos of cats on the Internet. You know what I’m talking about.

But yeah. This photo probably embodies me the most of any I’ve put on here. Tried to be sexy, fell on my head.


Sir ties me up like this a lot lately, with my arms around my legs, hugging my knees into my chest. He says he likes how available it makes me, how convenient and accessible everything is.


I’d like to look up and see something like this.

Very, very much.

And hopefully very, very soon.

Reposted as Text because the Content Source Was Taken Down (boohiss)


After I woke up from my nap, he wanted to go at it again. I was a little sore from how hard he had fucked me from behind and how many times he had made me cum, but I was still soaking wet. 

He climbed off of the bed and pulled me by my legs over to the edge. Shoving my knees up into my chest, he entered me again and grabbed hold of one of my feet. 

I had painted my toenails the other day and when he saw them, he was pretty taken with it. Say what you will about whether or not he has a foot fetish, but he pulled the foot up to his mouth and commented on how much he loved the color on my little toes.

Licking over the sole of my foot, he grinned down at me as he thrusted hard into my sore cunt. Turning his head, he bit down on the side of my foot before rolling his tongue over it.

I literally cannot get over how hot the look in his eyes was when he did that. 


“People who are harder to love pose a challenge, and the challenge makes them easier to love. You’re driven to love them. People who want their love easy don’t really want love.” – Rachel Kushner, The Flamethrowers.




Cam Damage and BC


This is speaking to me right now.