
Just when you figure you know all your kinks, the internet swoops in with something like this.



Two by two, hands of blue.

Um. Where is this from?

Just, uh.

Just wondering…


I don’t want this to do stuff to me.

…but, fuck, it really does.


Guys, the gif function is overwhelming and difficult.



Where’s my little girl to play with? 

How is this fair?

Found this going through my drafts.

This is what I get for throwing crap into my drafts and not volunteering right away.

Lesson learned.


Guys. I’m bursting at the seams. 

I don’t want to be a show-off or ridiculous or stress out my friends applying to grad schools, so I’m keeping it quiet around Ivy University.

But I’ll say it here:

I got into my top grad school.

So, the adventure continues. I’m going to a strange, new place, in a part of the country where I have never been, where I know virtually no one for two years. I’m still in shock and I still cannot believe the exciting direction my life has suddenly taken.

Thank you for your support, your kind asks while I was all stressed out and for being (without consenting – oops) the ear that I can shout this good news into.

<3, Ivy



A photo from a delightful shoot last October. There might be a few more coming up.

Photographer: C. deMontecervesa

Models: M.L-E. & S.N.

Stylist: C.V.

Yeah I’m gonna need a few minutes.

Quickies in New York: Ms. Smith’s School for Wayward Catholic Girls


Quickies in New York: Ms. Smith’s School for Wayward Catholic Girls


So, my birthday is coming up.

Just a thought.

M’s Infernal Cabinet of Desire: But is it Art?


M’s Infernal Cabinet of Desire: But is it Art?