

Where’s my little girl to play with? 

How is this fair?

Found this going through my drafts.

This is what I get for throwing crap into my drafts and not volunteering right away.

Lesson learned.


Dacry and I made a bet. I won.

You see, I have a terrible habit of putting posts I see into my drafts. I think I’ll have a use for them later and I like them too much to let them pass by. As a result, my draft folder just about overflows.

So, my tumblr girlfriend and I made a little wager that I couldn’t clear the folder down to below a hundred images by the end of the month. I began at the start of August, going through and either deleting or posting images. Some were from tumblrs that didn’t exist anymore. Some provided inspiration for a ton of fun posts I made. Some were simply there to support an idea I had.

Thus, I do believe I’m owed something besides bragging rights. I’m waiting, darling.