
I just want to push her hair back from her face and bite those lips.


The Holiday Party, Part 2

“Hi, I don’t think I know you.”

I admit I was caught a bit off-guard when I turned and saw the girl who had said it to me. I had seen her out on the dance floor and definitely was impressed (she looks a lot like the girl in this picture), but I had not expected such a friendly welcome.

“Oh,” I replied, “I don’t go here. I’m Ivy.” I shook her hand. She introduced herself and asked me where I went. I tried to skirt the subject. I hate admitting where I go because I sometimes get over-the-top reactions or people think I’m bragging. 

Her eyes widened. “Oh, wow. So, you’re like…brilliant or something?”

“Oh, God, no,” I was blushing. She was smiling.

She placed her hand on mine and smiled. She had a really precious little gap-tooth. Gap-teeth turn me on. For real. I find them so charming and so sexual for some reason. “There’s so many gay people here,” she gestured toward the group of people dancing. I hadn’t noticed. “I didn’t really grow up near a lot of that at all. It’s really nice to see.”

I wasn’t sure if she was trying to push a subject and I was way too tamed by her looks to try to flirt too hard. I get far too bashful around really pretty girls. It’s a weakness. The stronger, more “butch” types I can totally handle. Once they get too pretty, I turn to mush.

“So, your top is really cute,” I changed the subject. Generic girl talk. I’m a whimp.

She giggled, “you look gorgeous. I’m totally straight, I promise. But you’re like really, really pretty.”

Miss Gap-tooth, I hereby proclaim your name to be Noodlegirl. Let the games begin.


I mean, Christmas is coming up. Here’s one idea.


Le noeud papillon rouge


“Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.” – Zelda Fitzgerald.


Oh my good gracious, it’s snowing and my heater is working. Who would’ve thunk it?

This afternoon is all about drinking tea, doing laundry, and reading. In my ushanka, which looks exactly like the one pictured here, down to the pattern of the fabric. Here’s to good taste.

I am shocked at how easy it was to find a picture of a cute naked girl in a cute ushanka on tumblr. No, wait. I’m not shocked at all.


SG has a go-to phrase for when I’m stressed out.

“Would you please calm down? Everything’s going to be fine. We’re the beautiful people.”

I’m not entirely sure how that solves anything, but it’s certainly nice to remember. 


And templeofbablon strikes again.

On my cunt.

Like a gosh darn electric storm.


So you want a fight? That’s fine – just remember this: I’m bigger than you, I’m stronger than you, I’ve been doing this for longer than you, and I’m definitely more vicious than you. I don’t play fair, I know exactly what you’re scared of, and I certainly don’t think it’s wrong to punch girls.

Shall we begin, little girl? I think it’s time to begin.