

Christian Dior Fall-Winter 2015

Oh my gosh get on my body.


What is it they say about snakes in the grass?


I don’t own any goofy Christmas lingerie.

Maybe I should remedy that.


Today is going to be absolutely nuts and I’ll be running around nonstop from now until about 9:30 PM.

In addition to doing some schmoozing/networking which just blarg. I hate contrived conversations like that.

But I get some of this in two days and I’m so exciiiiited.


Ivy’s First Trip to a Dungeon, Part Five  

Eventually, Craftsmate had me stop walking and hold still while he removed the blindfold, gag, hood and handcuffs. I blushed when I noticed the fact that there were people standing around near us and reached up to nervously wipe some drool from the corner of my mouth. Taking hold once more of the leash, he leaned down and kissed me, saying that he was proud of what I had done. And, truth be told, I was, too.

Beside us was what can be aptly described as a crawlspace with bars on it, essentially a cage dug into the wall. After opening up the door, Craftsmate applied some pressure to my shoulder and had me kneel and crawl inside. Once I was in, he pulled the bolt shut on the door and tied my leash to the bars to prevent me from crawling away from the front of the cage.

“Aw, look at you in there. How cute,” he teased. A couple walked by, both partners casting a glance down into the cage and smirking before continuing on. My cheeks were burning as Craftsmate pulled a chair up by the cage and took a seat.  "I like you in there,“ he explained, "I think you’re going to stay in there for a little bit.”

I started to pout, but paused as I looked beyond him and noticed a man securing a woman over a bench. She was practically naked, save for a pair of panties and a collar around her neck. As the man began to flog her, Craftsmate followed my gaze and I could see him grin.

“Were you watching them?” He asked, knowing the answer.

“No,” I replied and turned my head.

He reached down through the bars and grabbed hold of my hair, turning my head. “No, no, I think you should watch him beat her.” He was smiling. “Do you like that?” He asked, patting my cheek. “Do you like the way he’s hurting her?" I tried once more to look away and he pulled my head back to face forward. "Come on, watch them.”

I could have died right on the spot.


Because whistling while you work can get rather obnoxious.


Daddy says a polite greeting is central to a good first impression.


Chained, Part Three

Very shortly, Popcorn arrived and Penthouse left me in his room to fetch her. Hearing them walk through his common area and chatting casually, I only blushed deeper. When I heard the door open, I could barely look up and instead watched two sets of feet enter Penthouse’s bedroom.

“What do you think?” Penthouse asked, moving past me to stand behind me.

Popcorn’s shoes were just a foot from my hands. “Very nice.”

Penthouse moved over to the bed-frame and unhooked the chain, holding onto it. “What do you say?” he asked me, tugging gently on the leash, “look at her and say it.”

It took all the will I had to make myself look up at Popcorn. Not because I was ashamed or that I wasn’t into it, but instead because I was unbelievably turned on. As I opened my mouth to speak, she smiled warmly. “Thank you,” I stammered out.

I could hear the smirk in Penthouse’s voice as he held the chain out to her. “Want to hold her?”

“I think I would,” she replied, before looking down at me. “You all right with that?” I nodded and she took it, weighing the chain in her hand and smiling. She gazed up over me, at Penthouse, and added, “oh, I like this a lot.”



SG has a go-to phrase for when I’m stressed out.

“Would you please calm down? Everything’s going to be fine. We’re the beautiful people.”

I’m not entirely sure how that solves anything, but it’s certainly nice to remember. 


She may have to take the punishment lying down, but she won’t take it sitting down. She’ll moan around that bit deliciously. She’ll squirm and pout in such an enticing mockery of remorse. She’ll tilt herself in such a way that her dress proceeds to ride up just an inch more each time he walks by. She’ll make him forget which one of them is being punished.

