
Dear Followers,

Your “applications” for shower buddy are the cutest, funniest, and bestest ever. I’m not ignoring you. I’m simply pouting that you’re all anons. 

What is the fun of that?



Sometimes, I want you to make me lovely just so you can ruin me. I want you to hold my face when you apply the makeup, reinforcing the control even in this act of service. And then I want to see it wind up on the sides of your hands, on the sheets, smeared across my face. I want the meticulous work you’ve put into me to mean nothing beyond a demonstration that I am yours to perfect and destroy.


Aaaand I definitely cast my worries aside last night. Basically just got home.

Details to come, perverts.


True Story: I own one of these buggers and I am way too sensitive to use it for very long. 

Other True Story: I was once tied down with this thing on me for about half an hour. Excruciating. Sub-space like no other.

A Different True Story: The warm weather is giving me some freckles and they look a lot like hers.


I just want to push her hair back from her face and bite those lips.

New Year’s Eve: Part 4


So, maybe Pink was a little bit trashy. And maybe she wasn’t terribly intelligent or interesting. And maybe she made tacky jokes and had a trampstamp. And maybe, after kissing me at midnight, she very crudely described how much she was looking forward to eating my pussy. But, ugh, tumblr, sometimes I just do silly things for girls with pretty lips.

Walter and Drew seemed to be sharing the affections of the freckled hottie. She was funny, charismatic, absolutely lovely. And Freckles and I seemed to be having some interesting conversation as well when I suddenly heard a loud crash.

Pink had dropped a bottle and had glass in her hand. I rushed over, helped her out, cleaned her up, and found someone sober to take her home. As I was on my way back to join my friends, I was stopped by a guy I had not yet met.

“You’re a good person, you know,” he said, “not shallow at all.”

“Oh, if she was ugly, I wouldn’t have fussed,” I joked and extended a hand, “I’m Ivy.”


Equal parts sweet and devious.

Exactly how I love them.

And those freckles? Swoon.