

handmade stamped necklaces: in love with mine <3 bunniesinLA will forever & always be the best jewelry store!

Omg but the pizza one.


The Holiday Party, Part 2

“Hi, I don’t think I know you.”

I admit I was caught a bit off-guard when I turned and saw the girl who had said it to me. I had seen her out on the dance floor and definitely was impressed (she looks a lot like the girl in this picture), but I had not expected such a friendly welcome.

“Oh,” I replied, “I don’t go here. I’m Ivy.” I shook her hand. She introduced herself and asked me where I went. I tried to skirt the subject. I hate admitting where I go because I sometimes get over-the-top reactions or people think I’m bragging. 

Her eyes widened. “Oh, wow. So, you’re like…brilliant or something?”

“Oh, God, no,” I was blushing. She was smiling.

She placed her hand on mine and smiled. She had a really precious little gap-tooth. Gap-teeth turn me on. For real. I find them so charming and so sexual for some reason. “There’s so many gay people here,” she gestured toward the group of people dancing. I hadn’t noticed. “I didn’t really grow up near a lot of that at all. It’s really nice to see.”

I wasn’t sure if she was trying to push a subject and I was way too tamed by her looks to try to flirt too hard. I get far too bashful around really pretty girls. It’s a weakness. The stronger, more “butch” types I can totally handle. Once they get too pretty, I turn to mush.

“So, your top is really cute,” I changed the subject. Generic girl talk. I’m a whimp.

She giggled, “you look gorgeous. I’m totally straight, I promise. But you’re like really, really pretty.”

Miss Gap-tooth, I hereby proclaim your name to be Noodlegirl. Let the games begin.


I’ve decided to stop using marijuana to self-medicate. And, by that I mean, I’m not going to use “I’ve been so stressed” as justification for letting my friends smoke me out. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t smoke every day and I don’t mean to say I’m quitting pot. But, a vice is a vice is a vice, and I’d rather it’s a fun vice than a substitute for facing my stress head-on. 


Beauty and the Long Bong.


I show, you tell. You observe, you interpret, you misinterpret (sometimes deliciously).

It’s true that odds aren’t how you win most games. It’s how you play. 

And you just don’t play fair.


I get a kick out of the fact that I’ve basically become synonymous with my love of knives and knifeplay. It’s funny how tumblr kind of finds a niche for people from the aspects of their lives that they emphasize. I’ve found that this site has a way of compartmentalizing aspects of its members. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I just find it amusing that, here, the things I’m immediately associated with aren’t necessarily things I would consider to be prominent aspects of myself. 

But I’ve no issue with being Knivey Ivy. None at all.


The Knife II by ~ nena-suicide


Hopefully, by this point in my trip, this has not happened. At least, not without my consent.




I’ll have you know that I encourage audience participation. 


May I watch? 😉


Confession: When I get stressed out, I like to dance around to music in my room. However, as the description of this tumblr states, I have thin walls and I feel bad for playing the same five (terrible) songs over and over. So, I usually wind up being a human iPod commercial with my headphones in. 

Today, I’m wearing a knee-high heeled boots (no, this is not to begin your masturbatory fantasy, or…) that kind of make noise when I walk. My roommate from last year now lives directly below me and I just got this text from her, “dancing? 😛 If you’re stressed out, I’ve got cookies.”

Oh, good, now that I know my floors are thin, too…


Sometimes, he saves himself the trouble and has her call herself a whore for him. And, sometimes, she has a little trouble with it.