
Oh my gosh the caption on this made me laugh hysterically. Well done, quickienewyork, very well done.


©2011 The Dirty Gentleman (#388)

I love those tender bro moments in the middle of a threesome.


The weather has been insanely warm here for the past few days. It doesn’t feel like a February at all. It feels like spring. I hope it stays this way, I would love an extended spring. I’m not terribly sure of the ecological implications, but idealistically it would be glorious. 

I would love more time of gentle heat and still air. There’s something very basic in me during the spring that comes out when the layers come off and the sun stays out. It feels the way peoples’ skin starts to glow, the newfound levity of situations, the easiness of longer days. 

There’s something so quiet and restrained about winter and something so hurried and passionate about summer. Spring is steady. Spring is sweetly sexual, naturally erotic in a vaguely pagan ritual sort of way. It makes me want to cover a girl in daisy chains and kiss every inch of newly warmed flesh with smiling lips.

This weather needs to stay.


My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage.” – Alice Hoffman, Practical Magic.


Interrupting the smut to bring you a message that made me smile. I love the fact that some of you guys read my tumblr as couples, though I don’t know what I did to deserve such an honor. You all are so insanely sweet and supportive and I am so lucky to have you all on my team.

<3, Ivy


I have a tendency to curl my hands into fists when I’m anxious or upset. It’s never really a violent thing, it’s more of a tension and control thing. I regulate the tension in my hands. I feel the squeeze. It’s controlled chaos.

And submitting is like someone taking that fist and pulling it open. It’s a release. It’s a loss of control, but it comes with such an overwhelming freedom. It says, let me play with the tension, let me control your chaos.


Dear Followers,

Thank you so much for your messages of support, empathy, understanding and your incredibly kind words. It means a lot to me that you’re all so sweet and caring. I feel so privileged. 

Last night was a little rough for me. A long-standing little unofficial tradition the thief and I had was broken and it hit me a little hard. It’s strange not to have that feeling of belonging that had become so familiar.

In other news, I gave up alcohol for Lent. So, yeah, let the dry days begin.

<3, Ivy


I know I’ve just revealed him recently, tumblr, but the thief and I will not continue with our current arrangement. Simply put, I will not be submitting to him anymore.

It hurts the both of us, but it’s the best step right now. He has things to attend to in his current relationship and I do not want to exacerbate anything that’s going on there. He and I are still very close, still care very much about each other, etc.

My goodness, I feel like a parent explaining their divorce.

But, yeah, we’re okay on an interpersonal level. However, personally, I’m a little bit shaken up. There’s a feeling you get from submitting to someone and you get that deep. After about nine months, we had settled into a groove and had become quite attached to each other. To be totally honest, my heart is hurting.

So, you know, be a little patient with me, tumblr. I’m feeling fragile.

<3, Ivy


I think we all are, in our own ways, thieves. Of course, we all have different methods, different motivations, different spoils. Some of us are more overt than others. Some steal things we can line up on our mantles, others prefer taking more intangible things. We like to loot each other, to pull apart each others’ fabrics for found objects we can tuck away as if they are our own.

At the root of our nature is selfishness. We’re all wide eyes and outstretched arms and grasping fingers when you boil us down at a high enough temperature and strip off the plastic of basic interactions. We’re thieves, complete and total kleptomaniacs who take because to bring something into us makes it a part of us. We’re emotional hoarders who pile up people and moments in the cellars of whatever organ you attribute to attachment until we’ve cluttered it to fire-hazard potential. And there is no way of sorting it into piles and clearing it away because it’s become, at some very basic level, ours.

And so we steal each others’ hearts and we’re taken with each other and we become highwaymen on each others’ paths who wait for the sound of wheels. I’m not saying that we’re merciless or always harmful. I’m just saying that we’re thieves. And we take. Because that’s what thieves do.


Unfortunately, my life isn’t this glamorous.

Take, for example, the fact that I can’t sleep.


“You do not have to be good.

You do not have to walk on your knees

for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.

You only have to let the soft animal of your body

love what it loves.” – Mary Oliver, Wild Geese.


vaginabubbles:/inside of out by soheir