
Happy Summer Solstice!


It’s supposed to be as cold as -15 degrees Fahrenheit where I’m headed tomorrow.

I’m just going to try to stay warm by thinking about this.


The weather has been insanely warm here for the past few days. It doesn’t feel like a February at all. It feels like spring. I hope it stays this way, I would love an extended spring. I’m not terribly sure of the ecological implications, but idealistically it would be glorious. 

I would love more time of gentle heat and still air. There’s something very basic in me during the spring that comes out when the layers come off and the sun stays out. It feels the way peoples’ skin starts to glow, the newfound levity of situations, the easiness of longer days. 

There’s something so quiet and restrained about winter and something so hurried and passionate about summer. Spring is steady. Spring is sweetly sexual, naturally erotic in a vaguely pagan ritual sort of way. It makes me want to cover a girl in daisy chains and kiss every inch of newly warmed flesh with smiling lips.

This weather needs to stay.