
Interrupting the smut to bring you a message that made me smile. I love the fact that some of you guys read my tumblr as couples, though I don’t know what I did to deserve such an honor. You all are so insanely sweet and supportive and I am so lucky to have you all on my team.

<3, Ivy



Dear curiousproclivities and other wonderful followers,

I am so insanely flattered to be mentioned on your tumblr. Especially the wording:

“thinkivykink (If intelligence is your aphrodisiac, she’s your girl.  Her youth gives her an innocence, but she has very adult desires & strikingly mature perspectives.)”

I honestly feel like I’m a bumbling idiot 90% of the time I post here. I worry I won’t be understood or that I’ll be perceived as pretentious/immature/unintelligent. I have been getting so much positivity lately from a ton of people and I just wanted to send out a huge thank you to everyone. You’re a lovely bunch.




I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the support I got for posting my car story. It’s always a mixture of exhibitionistic glee and general anxiety to put stuff like that up, but for all the people who were sending me love about the posts of it that I had queued while I was away, thank you so very much. You make the sharing feel so natural and so worth it.


Dear Followers,

Thank you for the massive amount of messages I found in my ask-box this morning with suggestions as to reading. You’ve all got such great taste and such a variety of it! The crowd favorite was Daniel Mason’s The Piano Tuner.

I tried to thank you all in your ask-boxes. But, for my anon followers and people without ask-boxes who contributed: thank you so very much.

<3, Ivy

(And, yes, femmesadism, I am that special kind of evil who likes to put creases in bindings.)