
Playdate with Popcorn, Part 1 

I was all nervous about texting Popcorn after we messed around, but Penthouse insisted she would want to. And, lo and behold, when I picked up my phone she had already texted me thanking me for letting her see me leashed.

Except, I was way too anxious about texting her still and Penthouse had to sit there, play with my hair, calm me down, and then text her for me. Really. Because I’m bashful and apparently still in middle school. But he was a very good sport of listening to me get all nervous and then giddy and then everywhere in between.

But, the plans to get together later that evening were made and things were looking peachy.


Under your skin, 1966


Penthouse eats pussy well because he eats pussy like he really wants to.

Pardon my choice of image, but I couldn’t resist.

But, honestly, he eats pussy like it’s freaking delicious or it’s like the eve of the great pussy famine or we’re living in a socialist society and he had to wait on line in the snow for freaking hours for a meager ration of pussy but it was goddamn worth it.

And I don’t say this to inflate the guy’s ego as much as to give some advice here. Guys, girls and everything in between: if you’re eating a pussy, eat it like you did the first slice of pizza you ever had.

No, don’t bite it or anything. But, put some enthusiasm behind it. Kid on Christmas all over that pussy.

I’m ashamed to admit I had an ex fall asleep “down there”. Which is just as detrimental to the self-esteem as it is to the orgasm brewing down there.

For god’s sake, it’s not a chore. Have a little fun with it.

This has been an attempted story that instead turned into a rant. Whatever. I regret nothing. Yolo, carpe diem and all that noise.


Leavin’ this here for Penthouse. Because it’ll make him a happy camper.


So… I think that both Ivy and Penthouse are on my list of kink role models now.


Chained, Part Three



Chained, Epilogue 

After Popcorn had left, Penthouse grabbed my hair and pulled me back down to my knees. “Go on, sweetheart,” he said, “thank Daddy for your playdate.” He reached down and unzipped his pants and I smirked.

I pulled his cock out and started sucking as he spoke to me, telling me how good I had been. I told him, in a moment when my head was off his cock, that I had wanted to kiss her when she left but I wasn’t sure if she was actually into girls or just liked dominating them.

“I think you should text her,” he said, rolling his hand through my hair, “and invite her over later. I think she wants to kiss you, too.”

I blushed and took him deeper. 

“You know that paper she mentioned last night? She did that thing early so she could play with you,” he added and smirked, holding my hair a bit tighter and starting to fuck my face. “So, I really do think you should text your new little friend.”


Chained, Part Nine 

I heard the tell-tale rattle of clothespins on a line and whined a bit into my gag. Penthouse had grabbed the zipper off of the desk and from my soon-to-be-proven-correct assumption, handed it off to Popcorn.

“What you do,” he explained, placing a hand on my shoulder, “is you just put them all over on her breasts, then yank the end of the string, and they all come off.”

Popcorn was a little ruthless. She went excruciatingly slow, debating out where each one should go, so I was stuck sitting with two particularly harsh ones near the skin over my collarbones. Eventually, I couldn’t take it and just hit the buzzer.

They took care to remove the blindfold and the gag, making sure I was all right, and took off the clothespins gently by hand. I was a little disappointed I hadn’t had the guts to ride it out, but I figured it was better to know my limits.

Penthouse untied my legs and I got up to my feet, adjusting my nightgown and giving Popcorn a hug. We thanked each other for a fun experience and she left, having somewhere else to go.


Chained, Part Eight 

Once I had reached my limit of being flogged, caned and spanked, Penthouse brought me down onto my knees on the floor in front of them. “Do you want some time alone with her?” He asked as Popcorn sat down on the floor across from me.

“Yeah,” she said. “Would you mind?" 

"Not at all,” he replied, “you okay with that, Ivy?” He looked to me and I nodded, a blush rising in my cheeks. I had not been dominated by a woman in quite a while and the idea of being alone with her was equally exciting and scary. I barely knew this girl, but I thought well of her and was glad I had met her on a vanilla level first. That, at least, made things a little less strange and feel a little safer.

Penthouse left the room and Popcorn picked my blindfold up from the table, buckling it over my eyes. She wiped some drool from the corner of my gag with her thumb and I blushed even deeper.

“Do you like playing with girls?” She asked as she eased the front of my nightgown down, exposing my breasts.

“Mmhmmm,” I replied around the ballgag, nodding.

She pulled a bit lower and I knew she could see the vague traces of the ‘whore’ that had been traced into my stomach. I heard her chuckle and turned my head away, somewhat ashamed, until her fingers clamped down on my left nipple. Her free hand rose to my right shoulder as if to will me to face her, even if I could not see her.

There was a moment where I could feel myself shaking against her and realized that she was shaking, too. Her hand was trembling against my already trembling shoulder. The idea that we were both a little nervous, I don’t know. There was something kind of beautiful and sort of intimate about it.

She played with my nipples for a bit before I heard her take out her phone. A few minutes later, Penthouse came back in and asked if she had enjoyed herself.

“Oh, definitely,” she replied, “I’m just not sure what to do with her nipples.”

“Oh,” Penthouse answered and I could hear him crossing the room. “Here, let me show you something fun.”


Chained, Part Seven 

“I love how she stays up on her toes,” Popcorn said.

Penthouse got down on his knees and tied my legs together at the ankles. He patted my calf before standing back up. “Can you stay up until we’re done with you like a good girl?”

I nodded, biting down on the corners of the gag as Popcorn hit me with the flogger. 

I’m proud to say I did.


Chained, Part Six 

Popcorn and Penthouse bent me over the bed and took turns spanking and flogging me, making me yelp and squeal into my ballgag. I squirmed when they stroked the skin, blushing in response to their chuckles and little quips about how fun it was to do this to me.

“Do you want to get caned?” Penthouse asked me and I heard him rummaging for something.

I moaned, nodding and trying to look over my shoulder. I had never been caned before, but I couldn’t manage to crane my neck to a degree to fully see it beyond watching something long and brown swish through the air and collide with my ass.

Having seen other caning pictures and now seeing my own ass: guys, those pictures must’ve taken a fuckton of caning. And it must have HURT LIKE CRAZY.

But I liked it. I loved the stinging, I loved the way they rubbed over it afterwards, and I loved the way they cooed over how red it was.

“She’s a good girl,” Popcorn commented at one point.

Penthouse reached up and patted my hair, smoothing it off my face. I looked up and saw his grin. “Yeah,” he replied, “she is.”


Chained, Part Five

“I kind of want her to flog me,” Popcorn replied. It was certainly unusual, with me on the end of a chain and ballgagged. But, I wanted to try it.

As Popcorn got onto Penthouse’s bed, I rose up to my feet. Adjusting the chain somewhat, I accepted the flogger from Penthouse and sucked in a deep breath. Joking around with Craftsmate aside, I had never flogged anyone seriously before.

When Popcorn squirmed and squeaked, the bottom of her dress rode up slightly, showing just a peek of a pert little rear. I was surprised by how much I wanted to hit it, but I stuck to her legs and thighs, which she seemed perfectly happy with. 

Suddenly, Penthouse grabbed his mirror and moved it over in front of the bed so we could see ourselves. 

I froze. Ballgagged, collared, chained, holding a flogger. It was all too much. I squeezed the Taboo buzzer and shut my eyes tight. I don’t know exactly what about it bothered me, but it was something about how real everything became when I looked in the mirror. Seeing myself like that, I was almost scared. Coming to terms with what I’m into has been hard enough, but having to see it so clearly made me squeeze the buzzer without hesitation. 

“Good girl,” Penthouse reassured as he put the mirror back. Popcorn joined in the coos. “Very good girl, thank you for letting us know.”

Once the mirror was gone, I felt myself smile around the ballgag as I continued to hit Popcorn with the flogger. Penthouse met my gaze and we exchanged smirks as I delivered the last few blows, gauging Popcorn’s reactions and not wanting to push it.

“You could’ve done more,” Popcorn said as she got off of the bed, rubbing her thighs. “That felt really good.”

I know I could have. Having her, squirming and moaning, while I was still gagged and chained, with Penthouse watching was all indescribably hot. But, I was still treading in new waters. And, as ironic as it sounds for the situation I was in, I was approaching it with some caution.


Chained, Part Four

Popcorn reached down and petted my hair, making me blush even more. She tried to ask me questions, things I can’t really remember, and I just kept stammering out anxious answers.

Reading how I was feeling, Penthouse picked up my ballgag and walked over to me. “You want your gag?" 

I nodded eagerly, opening my mouth. I wanted to be on the leash, I liked what was going on, but I was a little overwhelmed. Without having to worry about talking, some of the pressure was off and I could just enjoy myself.

He knelt down and pushed the ball between my teeth before buckling tightly behind my head. I felt myself exhale hard, the anxiety leaving my body. Having the necessity of speech taken, I could focus a little harder, even if I already felt like I was floating.

Reaching for the Taboo buzzer, he placed it in my right hand and made me give it a test squeeze. "What are you going to do if it gets too much?” he asked, nurturing to a point that it was hot. I blushed and squeezed the buzzer. He smiled and patted my head. “Good girl.”

“So,” Penthouse said as he got to his feet, “what should we do with her?”

