


Um are you saying you found something cute for us to play with when I come visit?



“Shh…Your Daddy isn’t here to save you tonight, sweetheart.”




Sir didn’t expect me to be

so short.

Story of my life with Kitten.




I’m very happy with girl’s progress over the past few months. She has taken ownership of her training to be a good little fucktoy, becoming more brave and slutty, overcoming shame, embracing her darker desires and the need to serve. And everyone knows nothing reinforces good behavior better than well-deserved praise.

I only wish that it were all while you were right here with me, Sir.

Facts and Q&A and other stuff I’ve been tagged in


Interrupting the blushy posts for a few answers to questions from nankingdecade (who I just discovered prefers redheads even though both of his partners are dirty blonde :P) and the lovely confidentialcupcake.

But first, some facts as requested by hisprerogative, who now owes me a drink (and maybe some more pizza).

  1. Sir and I keep a googledoc to manage tasks, rewards and punishments. No, you people cannot have the link.
  2. I almost bought a $7 wedge of cheese with blueberries in it and even though I know it’s illogical, I am still regretting not saying fuck to the haters and just getting it. 
  3. For the past four years, I’ve only bought/worn a certain cut of jeans in just about every wash I could get. They have a really coincidental/hilarious name. (Also they’re on sale now! – I promise this isn’t an endorsement, haha.)
  4. Tumblr has honestly helped me to love my body and appreciate the range and beauty of the human body in general.
  5. I’m seriously considering getting my nipples pierced with bars maybe in the winter.


1. In a few sentences, who are you and what do you stand for?
My first attempt at writing this ended up with me accidentally replicating my tagline from Twitter nearly word for word. So, the best I can come up with that won’t lead to my vanilla personality is: I’m a tough cookie and an over-committer. Lately, my whole thing is say what you mean but don’t be a dick about it. I still don’t like onions.

2. Name at least two of your vices.
Besides the numerous ones I mention on tumblr (trying not to be redundant here): Diet Coke. Mid-day naps that mess up my sleep cycle. Bonus third to drive Sir crazy: Raw cookie dough. 

3. What is a favorite memory from your childhood?
A theme park 45ish minutes from my home snapped my photo when I was like nine and asked to use it for promotional materials. I could apparently either get paid money or have free access to the park (including some meal vouchers and other random crap) all season. My parents let me pick. I basically spent a whole summer at a theme park with various friends/relatives/babysitters. It was pretty sweet. 

4. Pick your poison.
Gin or white wine.

5. Do you have a favorite author?
Tons. Right now, if I had to pick, maybe Jennifer Egan.

6. Tell me one time you felt really badass.
I once negotiated a salary up to double the initial offer.

7. What is one thing (either sexual or non-sexual) you’re ashamed to admit you like?
Sexual: Consensual misogyny. Nonsexual: The Bachelorette. 

8. What is one thing you would have done differently in the last year if you were given the opportunity to do it again?
I would have worried a lot less about money. 

9. How “out” are you to your friends and family about your alternative lifestyle?
I kind of consider myself having three closets: sexual orientation, kink and poly. I’m out to just about everyone about being queer. I’m out to my mother and a small handful of my friends about being kinky, but on a very mild level. I’m out to just about no one besides my partners and a few trustworthy friends about being poly.


1. Are you close with your family?
I am very close with most of my immediate family, but I am not close with my extended family.

2. Do you have a crush currently?
I think I manage to develop a new crush once a week. 

3. If aliens came to Earth and asked you to visit their planet, would you go?
Nah, long trips make me nauseous. 

4. Do you like astrology?
To the point that it is silly and fun.

5. What’s your favourite comfort food?

6. Exhibitionist or voyeur? 
(Shy) exhibitionist. 

7. Tell me about a recent orgasm.
Saving that for the final post of blushy day. Kind of. You’ll see. 😉 

8. Tell me a secret.
I’m usually not wearing a bra. 

9. Puppies or kitties?


Got facts? Share ‘em and tag it “thinkivykink.” I track that tag and I always want to get to know followers and you all are a shy bunch usually until you go on anon and then turn into freaking gremlins. 

Want to answer questions? Here’s 9. Answer ’em, tag me. You know the drill.

Seriously, even if we’ve never spoken. Just do it.

1. Would you rather be famous while you were alive or have the things you did while you were alive and relatively unknown continue to be relevant long after you’d passed?

2. Is there something you used to do ten years ago that you wished you still did now? A hobby, a habit, a catchphrase, etc.

3. What are three words the person who knows you best would use to describe you?

4. Do you prefer cooking, eating at a restaurant or ordering in?

5. Name one habit you wish you could pick up and one habit you wish you could break. 

6. Are you content? Is that a good or a bad thing?

7. If there were no negative repercussions, would you rather star in your own porno or star in your own burlesque show?  

8. You can only eat one food, read one book, listen to one song and watch one movie or television program for the rest of your life. What are they?

9. Do you have any weird talents? 



‘Autumn Spice’ by yours truly — rye whiskey, apple cider, and Gosling’s ginger beer over ice, garnished with slices of Red Delicious and sprinkled with nutmeg.

You know how I get about him mixing drinks.



An old one with Kitten. That plaid bedsheet’s got memories.

To make up for a skipped Topless Tuesday, here’s me in my favorite posish.




This disgusts me so much I want it.

Sometimes I wish I were a smoker just so I could degrade my girls like this.

I never thought I’d be able to see him use the phrase “my girls” and not feel like it looks unnatural. I guess I’m growing up or something.