
I just want to push her hair back from her face and bite those lips.


Please don’t try to reason with me.

I make absolutely outlandish requests. I know that. Sometimes I’ll ask you to do things that are totally and completely not okay. I’ll make demands of you that I know I don’t actually want of things that I can’t actually handle. When you take me to certain places i my head, I know I blurt out things I don’t entirely mean, I call myself words I don’t particularly associate with myself, I make offers that I’d hope you’d never actually take.

I understand how fragile it can make me. I don’t envy your position. I know I create little paradoxes for you, challenges, catch-22s that overcomplicate what began as such a simple little game. And I know I throw wrenches into perfectly functioning machines just to watch the gears stop and quiver and break because I am strange and impulsive and unrelenting. 

And I’m not asking you to do it right all the time or to know all the answers. Consider this a warning, albeit a little late in the game. But, please, don’t try to reason with me. Because you of all people know that I am completely and utterly unreasonable. 


remind me don’t assume I know


I have a very large, pronounced lower lip that I’ve gotten into the pattern of biting. It’s a bad habit of mine, but other people don’t seem to mind.


New Year’s Eve: Part 3

“Ivy, you look like a girl who can throw!” exclaimed a friend of the hostess who had I met a few times before. “Come be my partner for beer pong.”

I snorted, “you’ve got the wrong girl.” But, I was in the team spirit, so I decided to go join him. “I’ve got warn you, though,” I said as he arranged the cups, “I’ve never played beer pong before.”

Let me tell you, tumblr. I haven’t found my calling, but I did employ some old skills. Across the table, on the other team, was a hottie with a bunch of tattoos and some pink in her hair. So, we’re going to call her Pink. I think her male partner was cute, too. Whatever. Didn’t pay him too much attention.

But, I did pull the top of my dress down a little to try to distract him, but she seemed damn into it as well. So, I hammed it up, wiggled my butt, acted cute. I even saved the game through a combination of diving across a rug for the ball (hence my skinned knee) and sinking the last ball.

Not to mention Pink followed me back over to Drew and Walter, who were chatting up some freckled cutie.



The Holiday Party, Part 2

“Hi, I don’t think I know you.”

I admit I was caught a bit off-guard when I turned and saw the girl who had said it to me. I had seen her out on the dance floor and definitely was impressed (she looks a lot like the girl in this picture), but I had not expected such a friendly welcome.

“Oh,” I replied, “I don’t go here. I’m Ivy.” I shook her hand. She introduced herself and asked me where I went. I tried to skirt the subject. I hate admitting where I go because I sometimes get over-the-top reactions or people think I’m bragging. 

Her eyes widened. “Oh, wow. So, you’re like…brilliant or something?”

“Oh, God, no,” I was blushing. She was smiling.

She placed her hand on mine and smiled. She had a really precious little gap-tooth. Gap-teeth turn me on. For real. I find them so charming and so sexual for some reason. “There’s so many gay people here,” she gestured toward the group of people dancing. I hadn’t noticed. “I didn’t really grow up near a lot of that at all. It’s really nice to see.”

I wasn’t sure if she was trying to push a subject and I was way too tamed by her looks to try to flirt too hard. I get far too bashful around really pretty girls. It’s a weakness. The stronger, more “butch” types I can totally handle. Once they get too pretty, I turn to mush.

“So, your top is really cute,” I changed the subject. Generic girl talk. I’m a whimp.

She giggled, “you look gorgeous. I’m totally straight, I promise. But you’re like really, really pretty.”

Miss Gap-tooth, I hereby proclaim your name to be Noodlegirl. Let the games begin.


My schedule lately has just been beyond intense. Deadline after deadline, commitment after commitment. Tonight, with the tiniest gap in my workload, I’m taking a break to just breathe.


Thank you to all my followers who have reached out to me after the past few posts (the ones regarding my ex, the ones regarding my reciprocity problems, etc). It’s sometimes hard to be like “this is my tumblr so I can whine on it if I want to”. But, you’re all so encouraging.

And, don’t worry, this sassycool lady marks the return of sassycool Ivy.