
Please don’t try to reason with me.

I make absolutely outlandish requests. I know that. Sometimes I’ll ask you to do things that are totally and completely not okay. I’ll make demands of you that I know I don’t actually want of things that I can’t actually handle. When you take me to certain places i my head, I know I blurt out things I don’t entirely mean, I call myself words I don’t particularly associate with myself, I make offers that I’d hope you’d never actually take.

I understand how fragile it can make me. I don’t envy your position. I know I create little paradoxes for you, challenges, catch-22s that overcomplicate what began as such a simple little game. And I know I throw wrenches into perfectly functioning machines just to watch the gears stop and quiver and break because I am strange and impulsive and unrelenting. 

And I’m not asking you to do it right all the time or to know all the answers. Consider this a warning, albeit a little late in the game. But, please, don’t try to reason with me. Because you of all people know that I am completely and utterly unreasonable. 


remind me don’t assume I know