
“Of course this is how all the other little girls play doctor, silly.”


She’s the kind of girl

who pulls hard

but not so hard that he’ll let go.


To write about the inspection Penthouse performed on me the morning before I left is entirely too blushy. I’ve tried. I can’t.

But the blushiest part was probably when he was about to put his finger in my asshole and went to put a rubber glove on.

“Daddy?” I asked, “what’s the glove for?”

He let some lube coolly drip over my ass. “The other boys don’t use it when they play with your little asshole?” I shook my head no and he chuckled. “Well, that’s just silly, sweetheart.”

Holy condescension, Batman.


Nothing can wear you out like caring about people,“ – S.E. Hinton, That Was Then, This Is Now.


This is the part where one half of you betrays the other. The part where the top’s reticence smells the bottom’s vehement and eager disagreement. The part where you realize that though your brain can will your arms to pull back ad your body to squirm, it can’t seem to will away the wet enthusiasm your cunt is expressing. This is, undoubtedly, their favorite part.


New Year’s Eve: Part 3

“Ivy, you look like a girl who can throw!” exclaimed a friend of the hostess who had I met a few times before. “Come be my partner for beer pong.”

I snorted, “you’ve got the wrong girl.” But, I was in the team spirit, so I decided to go join him. “I’ve got warn you, though,” I said as he arranged the cups, “I’ve never played beer pong before.”

Let me tell you, tumblr. I haven’t found my calling, but I did employ some old skills. Across the table, on the other team, was a hottie with a bunch of tattoos and some pink in her hair. So, we’re going to call her Pink. I think her male partner was cute, too. Whatever. Didn’t pay him too much attention.

But, I did pull the top of my dress down a little to try to distract him, but she seemed damn into it as well. So, I hammed it up, wiggled my butt, acted cute. I even saved the game through a combination of diving across a rug for the ball (hence my skinned knee) and sinking the last ball.

Not to mention Pink followed me back over to Drew and Walter, who were chatting up some freckled cutie.
