


Wanderer by Audrey Kawasaki

Omg @herdirtylittleheart stop it you perfect angel.

(She tagged it “this looks just like Ivy FYI”)



I was a bad girl today.

As part of my punishment, I’m posting this little clip from when Sir recorded us fucking while he moved me in.

At this point, he kept teasing me with his cock and slapping my pussy whenever I thought he was about to fuck me. So, um, I got a little desperate.

If anyone needs me, I’ll be hiding for eternity.

Thursday Thoughts.

  • Craftsmate finally talked me into seeing a doctor today and I apparently have not only an ear infection but also pneumonia. So, uh, that’s that.
  • I missed one of my classes to go see the doctor and my professor is giving me shit about it. Like, seriously? I’ve apparently been walking around with this shit for weeks and even went to my seminar today so GET OFF MY SHIT.
  • I’d just like to share I’m participating in No Shave November for THESE REASONS. Also because I’m not supposed to stay in a shower that long now. Except I might shave them tonight. Except I kind of like them hairy. I don’t know. I might try to make it to November 15th just to see what it’s like.
  • Totally digging all the awesome firsts in Congress right now, though. So that’s good.
  • Anybody want to take a trip with me to Colorado once my lungs are functional again?
  • This whole pneumonia experience is teaching me that I need to be more reasonable with myself. Especially now that I’m getting all down on myself for not having gone to the gym in a while because of how crappy I was feeling (which now can be pretty accurately explained) and trying to still burn the candle at every end while I know I am sick as a dog. So, ugh, I need to actively try to learn a lesson here.
  • I was sexting Penthouse in the waiting room, though. So, uh, I guess that’s sort of a win? Right? A little bit?