
Oh hey.

I’ll actually be able to reach stuff tomorrow.

Because somebody’s coming!!!





Lalala making cruddy and pointless character concept lalala…
Seriously I can never seem to shake off that “Disney” or “DC” animated  look at all. He looks like some kinda evil version of Roger Radcliffe grrr.

This is whyexactly

I’m laughing so hard because it’s kind of really true

And cuz now I will read all his posts in this characters voice

Oh my god.


The first time I saw Biggie’s Hypnotize video, the mermaid girls may have given me an idea or two.


In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston writes that some years ask questions and others answer.

This year answered a lot of questions. 2013 was major for me, maybe my favorite year yet. I’ve grown so much in myself, done so much difficult but important personal work.

An ex once told me that she thought I wasn’t a complete person. It’s the most hurtful thing anyone has said about me, I think, especially since she was kind of right. But this year is the first time I can look at myself and see a whole entity. Nothing’s perfect. But I’ve never felt so secure in myself as a unit, so willing to rely on myself and know my capabilities.

Thank you for sticking around for the journey.


– Shel Silverstein


One more day until my crazy New Year’s plans and I promise I’ll spill and tell all about them but eeeeek.


I’ve got a little bit of time and a lot of stuff in my askbox, a ton of which are from anons, so I’m going to go through and try to make a big post of answers like my favorite bunny sometimes does.

If you’ve got anything to add, speak now or forever hold your peace.




Trying to make it to the third panel.



senses-working-overtime:  The illustration of Hiromi Sato resembles the cutest scrapbook you’ve ever seen. Full of textiles, buttons and wool, Sato layers patterns to create collage-like images with fairy tale themes. I love the sweet mori girl aesthetic of her work. Enjoy.

My Daddy sent me this and I think it’s the cutest and bestest.

Yesterday, I had a major deadline and I met it. I also had a majorly good hair day. (Thank you, universe!)

It’s only a week until I get some time to go home and little more than that until I get to see Sir. And I’m feeling so good today.

This has been a post.



I feel that if the tables were turned this would remind me of Heart and Ivy.
