
A bunny turned up by my door today, no lies. Just sat right by the screen.

I’m calling it happy foreshadowing.


Image submitted by herdirtylittleheart

Sorry to have dipped off the radar for the past few days. My life’s been kind of busy in (mostly) good ways.

In the meanwhile, enjoy a picture that I hope can be taken as foreshadowing.


For a certain bunny I know who reassures me that people are dumb and we’re awesome.


Welp, I’m back from my trip.

Glad to see you all enjoyed Fuck Baseball.

On the professional, grown up, serious business level, I was incredibly productive and some really awesome things are opening up in that regard.

On the sexy and fun level, well, I’ve got a little spring in my step now.

Prior to my trip, I was feeling kind of overwhelmed by work and the like. So, it was a nice little mental health break from Ivy University and from everything else sort of going on there. And the stuff I got done on this trip is going to make a lot of things a little easier work-wise. 

Pretty soon I’ll start writing everything, but it’s going to take a while. I had a lot of new, awesome, interesting, oh-my-god experiences over there.

Don’t worry, I’ve got other stuff queued to keep you occupied until then.

But, for now, I’m just going to sort of coast on these good feelings.

Hence, bunny on a skateboard.


Like a Brisket, Part Two

Naturally, the old shame reflex kicked in fairly soon into the afternoon when Craftsmate took out a cuff he’d made to show us at the table during lunch and I all but ran away right there.

When, after lunch, we went to a sewing supply store to pick up supplies for the kinky arts and crafts component of the mini-munch, I essentially put my sunglasses on and tried to hide when Penthouse and Craftsmate stood there and loudly discussed d-rings. I nearly died right there when Craftsmate took the cuff out again to compare.

“Oh, would you calm down?” Penthouse said when he saw me hiding by the iron-ons. “We’re right near (neighborhood synonymous with some pretty alternative lifestyles), everyone here’s kinky. For God’s sake, they keep the rope next to the clothespins and rubber straps at the Home Depot near here. They know their customers.”

And, yeah, logically, I can look at the situation and know that nobody cares. But, I still felt out of my element and I felt a huge tug on my impulse to feel ashamed and anxious. Craftsmate had joked the other day that online I was a “gung ho goddess with a rapper attitude” about all this, but in person I was awkward as all get-out about kink. With almost all of my kinky interactions being incredibly private and in the context of a relationship, I was very much out of my element in this setting.

So, I was endlessly relieved when we left the store to head to Penthouse’s place.


Happy Easter to all the followers and bunnies who come around here.


This is a picture of India Reynolds, my girlcrush, holding a bunny. 

Times can be tough sometimes. 

But as long as stuff like this exists, there’s good in the universe.

That is all.


The Winter Formal, Part 6

The lights were almost completely down on the dance floor, the music was fast, the room was a sea of hands and swaying bodies. Blue fetched us some beers and we started to dance. 

When Byron got into talking to a friend, Blue pulled me into him and we started dancing. He lifted my chin up and started kissing me, his hands holding me in that sort of sexy, skillful way where they feel absent and present at the same time.

He turned me and brought me to Byron, who started to kiss me as well. I was between them. There was something terribly arousing about being between the two of them, both having a good foot and change on me height-wise, and practically feeling contained within them.

“I should get our coats,” Byron said as we concluded we would be leaving.

As he walked off, Blue turned me to face him and placed a hand on my cheek before leaning down to the spot on my neck where I had been licked by the creeper earlier in the night. His lips were soft, it was gentle and yet almost strong. It was completely erotic.

After a few moments, he pulled back and smiled down at me. My cheeks were burning.