
The semester’s getting all stressful and crazy right before its end.

But pretty soon I get to be a kitty and relax and focus on little kitty things.




Isaac Suttell


This kitty gets to be reunited with her tail during this visit. And she miiiight just have a new set of ears from her Daddy to match.


The Winter Formal, Part 6

The lights were almost completely down on the dance floor, the music was fast, the room was a sea of hands and swaying bodies. Blue fetched us some beers and we started to dance. 

When Byron got into talking to a friend, Blue pulled me into him and we started dancing. He lifted my chin up and started kissing me, his hands holding me in that sort of sexy, skillful way where they feel absent and present at the same time.

He turned me and brought me to Byron, who started to kiss me as well. I was between them. There was something terribly arousing about being between the two of them, both having a good foot and change on me height-wise, and practically feeling contained within them.

“I should get our coats,” Byron said as we concluded we would be leaving.

As he walked off, Blue turned me to face him and placed a hand on my cheek before leaning down to the spot on my neck where I had been licked by the creeper earlier in the night. His lips were soft, it was gentle and yet almost strong. It was completely erotic.

After a few moments, he pulled back and smiled down at me. My cheeks were burning. 


Tonight, tonight. Oh, tumblr, tonight.

Costume’s on, the night is young. I’m armed: I’ve got a ruler, some knee-highs, and plenty of attitude.

See you on the flip side.