
There’s absolutely a discrepancy between why I tell people i do yoga and why I actually do yoga.


Perfection presented without further comment.

I understand this is a very personal question and I assure you it’s just out of curiosity and personal experience, but what does your therapist think about your need or enjoyment of being degraded?


Even though she’s a little hesitant about non-monogamy, she’s very educated about and progressive about kink. So, she thinks as long as it’s in a safe environment, she’s totally fine by it and doesn’t see the need to pathologize it.

Also, I’m not into degradation. I don’t enjoy being degraded. My kinks really center more around the greater ideas of protocol, restraint and fear.


Back to School, Part Two

Flint and I were hanging around on the couch while I was recovering from having my ass whacked with a wooden spoon and having half a party of mostly strangers see my ass and pussy. Lida came over and was being adorable, but totally forgot to say “please” when she asked for something even after I’d taught her. So, I asked Flint if I could give her a spanking and he said it would be fine.

Lida laid across my lap and I flipped her skirt up. Underneath, she was wearing a cute little pair of panties, and I noticed that her stockings were being held up by a garter belt. I didn’t know what kind of schoolgirl wore garters, but I wasn’t about to complain.

I set to spanking her, alternating between sharp hits and lighter swats. She squirmed and whined under my hand while I chastised her about being so impolite. A small group of people had gathered to watch, probably amused by one small lady dressed like a schoolgirl beating down on another small lady dressed like a schoolgirl. 

Looping my fingers under her garters, I pulled them up and let them snap against her thighs. She leapt against my legs, squealing, and a few of the people watching chuckled. Shooting them a smirk, I slipped my fingers under the garters once more and snapped them. 

I’m still so awkward about the whole domming people thing, and I honestly felt I needed aftercare after I’d done it because I felt so bad for making her hurt so much. Her ass and thighs were bright red when I finished, and I kissed her after and made sure she was okay with the whole thing.

“Are you serious?” Flint laughed, “she loves this stuff.”


Honestly, Sir banning me from wearing panties and disallowing bras unless I have serious nipple has saved me so much time when it comes to laundry.

I also always have a ton of quarters now.


Two nights ago, something pretty crappy happened with my family. It was totally out of left-field and never something I had imagined would ever happen. I’m still kind of reeling from it, but I’m doing a lot better that I thought I would be, all things considered.

But when I learned about it, I had a pretty massive panic attack. I have anxiety, and this stuff happens, but I’ve never had one this bad. My whole body was shaking, I wasn’t saying the right words. Given the circumstances, it was a “natural” reaction, but it was still incredibly frightening.

I was about to go to bed when I found out and I started texting Sir frantically. He was able to calm me down somewhat, and I was so grateful for him for being so understanding and gentle during the whole thing. It’s one of the reasons I love him so much and why I believe he’s such a keeper.

The next morning, I found out from Pup that he’d tried to get in contact with him. Pup was, understandably, asleep. When I asked Sir about it, he said that because he wasn’t able to care for me in person, he wanted to send someone over who could.

Even my therapist, who is a bit of a non-monogamy skeptic sometimes, was incredibly impressed like this. It shows that Sir trusts his place in my life to the degree that sending over another man to comfort me wouldn’t feel threatening. It shows that he also trusts Pup and me, as well as respecting the dynamic we’re building. It was just this really amazing, really selfless gesture that demonstrated that Sir totally prioritized my feeling safe and comfortable over the hierarchy of our non-monogamy. 

In light of all the crap that went down, there’s my silver lining. I realized that our non-monogamy has matured so much in the last year and that we really, really do trust each other.




Um are you saying you found something cute for us to play with when I come visit?