
I suppose I am vaguely sorry to my neighbors for intermittently yelling “WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I IS?” and blasting Bey for the past few days but only vaguely.



Trinity ain’t fucking around..

I thought for the hottest second that this was from a music video for a single they’d all released together and almost lost my shit.

A girl can dream.


Perfection presented without further comment.


Change it to “Sweetheart” and you’ve summed us up.

I just had to explain the entire premise of “Partition” to Sir after I jokingly said “driver roll up the partition please” in reference to him saying we had some catching up to do when I came to see him at the end of this month.


What gets me is the way she looks at him.

(But, God, did he really have to make that tasteless Ike Turner reference?)


so cute


I didn’t expect it to bother me so much, but I guess it does.

At kickboxing today, they played this particular song. And I found myself thinking about the stupid message Craftsmate sent and getting massively pissed. I don’t feel like it was some grand betrayal or anything, but it was more the degree to which my place in the entire equation felt threatened.

One of my followers told me that putting Craftsmate in a situation where there was that kind of ideal painslut fucktoy whatever whatever could be massively bad. Which, ugh, gosh, why do I have to be concerned about this shit? I’ve never been part of the whole “make sure my man doesn’t stray” camp because I’ve found the entire notion of that ridiculous.

But then I find myself punching some imaginary girl on tumblr in a kickboxing class to a goddamn Beyonce song because I can’t seriously refer to myself in the third person, I’ve got a terrible pain tolerance and I feel small and awful when I’m degraded. And here I am thinking how profoundly awful it is that anyone is actually capable of it because I’m not.

Which is, you know, nasty and unfair to everybody involved. Because I know my relationship is stronger than random sexual details but then the pot gets a little bit stirred, I get a little bit anxious and suddenly I’m kicking the idea of a person.
