

Carey Mulligan in An Education

They say Sweetheart’s precocious.

But she knows what that really means.


I want to be told to crawl to her, with no assurance of when I’ll be returned.


Caledonian Antisyzgy.


Spending the day with Penthouse and Craftsmate.

(You guys can argue over which one has the mullet.)

(I vote it’s whoever came up with the idea of threatening to take me to Home Depot if I was bratty.)



…a far away land where good people go

in search of very bad things.


Boy, Girl, Boy on a Boat by Ryan McGinley, 2007


Remember what you said, Craftsmate? 


oh yeah, do it

(by Keith P. Rein)

– schöne seele


Don’t wish me happiness. I don’t expect to be happy all the time… It’s gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea.


The hard work is done. After yesterday’s amazing news and turning in a huge assignment today, I’m feeling so incredibly free. 

Time to wipe the dirt off my face (figuratively) and go celebrate the holiday like a champ.


Too pissed off to post sexy tonight.

Seriously, how the fuck is somebody like Rick Santorum doing so well? I am literally in awe that we’re just letting him, gosh, I don’t know, exist.

Sorry I have so many feelings. Ugh.


Whenever I see a picture on here of a girl with that sort of look in her eyes, it’s like something inside of me says, “whatever you want." 

I’m a sucker for powerful gazes.


Last night, a friend made some “special” brownies. (Yeah, yeah, I know the woman in the picture is smoking, but I couldn’t find any pictures of a cutie with brownies.) Although I’ve decided to give up smoking pot this year to do my lungs a favor, I’m not opposed to the occasional brownie.


I totally forgot I had band practice, mostly because I was just not up to going. However, now full of brownie and weed (seriously, two wonderful things), I managed to actually enjoy myself because I just felt awesome and it totally took my mind off some present circumstances that have been bothering me.

And, even better, although I felt like I was being an obvious mess, apparently I held myself together enough that when I told my friend afterwards that I was high as a kite, she was shocked. So, um, here’s to handling myself in public?

And here’s to special brownies: baked therapy.