
The power play here is incredible. For as amazing total and complete submission by a good girl is, there is something so sexy and playful about a submissive that bites back. Sure, most dominant partners can’t stand it after a certain point. But, hey, a little brattiness always throws a little flavor into the pot.

And the pre-Colombian art tattoo (sue me if it’s not, some Maya or Aztec or what have you could’ve so made that) on his arm is just killing me. Their stuff is always so strangely, primally erotic. 


He’s not going to even think about her until after he’s had his second cup, at the very least.


Dear Sasha Prints,

You’re beautiful. You’re sexy. You’re amazing. I’ve seen a ton of you around in this style. Who draws you? I have to make sweet love to him/her after hanging these all over the place.






Goatees seriously are for villains. And sexy photographers. 




Uh huh.

(I’m just gonna pretend that’s Annie Clark in the back there.)



Remember the last time we played in a bathroom? asks Jane

Lets not get caught this time says emily.


She came up behind me in the ladies toilet and slipped her hands inside

Ivy and I get up to all sorts of good stuff, don’t we baby


No. No way. That is Ashton Kutcher, is it not? No way.

No way does the guy who comes out giggling after creating a fake physiological ambush on a celebrity manage to pull that kind of sexy. I refuse to accept it. It’s not him. It can’t be. It must be his evil twin or something. 


Do this to me? Please?




I found this in my inbox from Heart today. I was having a pretty blah day and she really, really knows how to cheer me up.

She claims that I dreamed this man into existence. I clearly did. He’s gorgeous. He’s got knives. And he’s damn proud of both facts. Oh, not to mention the five o’clock shadow, the droopy eyelids, and those lips. Yum.

(And if anyone can tell me who this gent is I’ll be so grateful.)


We all love this photo, but does anyone know who this is, or when?


Um, yes, please. I was waaaay too into LaserQuest as a kid.

See tomboy child Ivy here


This bra is actually glowing in the dark. Or maybe it’s the lighting, like they had in LaserQuest. Maybe she wore this bra in LaserQuest. Maybe she’s in LaserQuest right now, slipping out of this bra and while she shoots you in the back. Who wants to play LaserQuest with us?