
This is the kind of face that I’d make to provoke my tumblr girlfriend Dacry

It is without a doubt that this is the sort of brattiness that she will absolutely make me regret displaying. And give me reason to do it more often. 


Elizabeth Ward Gracen


Oh, Dacry, I need to stop telling you things when you have tumblr open. So, hush, or I’m not coming to your playdate. And you’ll be sad. 


My girl Ivy tells me she wants a glass of wine and someone eating her out. 

I’m willing to volunteer, on the condition that she goes to the liquor store and asks them what wine goes well with pussy. 

She assures me this will make her wonderfully blushy. I’m all for it. 


Confession: I sent a certain tumblr girlfriend of mine a photograph of myself of a certain variety. And I’m still kind of giggly over it. This may be the start of some sort of exhibitionism kick. Maybe.


Oh, darling, it’s lovely. I’ll just have to make sure I can get off of work


Oh Ivy! Are you ready for our big date? Do you like my outfit? 


How you can expect me to dress when I come to work for you, Dacry darling.




Why do you tease me so? says emily

Because I can says Jane. 

Bitch says emily

You still need and love me though says Jane.

Ivy will do anything for an avocado. 

Only if you’re the one feeding it to me, Dacry darling.

(You little sneak, posting this while I was whining to you about it.)


Dear Dacry,

When you play these games with me, you remind me why I tumblr-love you.

<3, Ivy

PS: I clicked the tag with my name and had a giggle.

PPS: Regarding this brat, I would never wear black lipstick. Hmph.


Hold very still. Don’t let the knife drop. If that knife moves even an inch… Well, I think I’ll just cut an inch for every inch the knife falls. How does that sound? 


Uh huh.

(I’m just gonna pretend that’s Annie Clark in the back there.)



Remember the last time we played in a bathroom? asks Jane

Lets not get caught this time says emily.


She came up behind me in the ladies toilet and slipped her hands inside

Ivy and I get up to all sorts of good stuff, don’t we baby


Oh, Dacry, you’re home. What a surprise.

No, no, of course I was on my best behavior. I swear.