
My gosh. The chemistry here.


Filed under things I’m thinking about this morning to get me through the day.


For some reason, Sir and I had the best sex we’ve had in a while this afternoon. I don’t know, just all the chemistry and the butterflies and the sunlight and everything was all perfect.

Oh, and Happy Memorial Day.


“When I am with you, we stay up all night. When you’re not here, I can’t get to sleep,” – Rumi.


Really? This has been one of my favorite movies for years and I had no idea!

In retrospect, there was so clearly a lesbian undertone going on there. Damn you, popular media. You had all the ingredients there. They look so good together, wonderful chemistry, deep friendship. Pfft. Unfortunate that they couldn’t just take the plunge and do something that I guess may have been controversial, but so beautiful.


In Hindsight:

I was 10 when Fried Green Tomatoes came out, but the amazing chemistry between these two was palpable, even to me as a little girl. I wanted to be Ruth so badly, the way Idgie cared for her, rescued her, loved her. I remember wondering if anyone else in the room knew that they were in love or if only I could see it.

When I was older and learned that the book the movie was based on was outright about a lesbian couple I was pissed that they didn’t do the story justice.

I still think the scene with Idgie telling Ruth the story about the pond and the ducks is one of the most romantic scenes I’ve ever seen.


People say there’s no chemistry in pornography. And, in a lot of cases, porn can be incredibly fake and impersonal. You can tell that the actors probably, if they saw each other on the street, wouldn’t immediately imagine each other naked. They wouldn’t try to pick each other up at a bar.

But you’ve got photos like this that serve as a counterexample. Just look at them. They’re enjoying each other. They’re having fun. They’re exploring each other. So, y’know, don’t jump to conclusions. Porn can be surprising.


Stoya Heat