
So I should probably save some of the photos from this set for when I actually get around to telling you the story of that night, but can you blame me for just wanting to post them all immediately?


Just wanna go back to doing this ASAP because oh man.


I always have to get up on my tip-toes to kiss him. Usually, not hanging from the ceiling. But shit happens.


Demo bottoming was pretty intense and amazing, but what happened after was even more awesome. But more details on that to come.

In the meantime, enjoy some casual warehouse sideboob.


Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement about demo bottoming the first time. As you can see, I had a pretty amazing experience and Sir was an awesome top (duh.)


Sent a version of this photo to Pup a few minutes ago, and liked it so much that I took another. Sir’s hosting a play party in a bit and I’ve got my outfit and my collar on and I’m ready to go. This isn’t the one I am demo-bottoming at, but I’m still a nervous girl.


Hi tumblr, apologies for the inactivity. We’ve been, well, busy.


I’m not even much of a masochist, really.